Thursday, May 14, 2020

Flower Moon

Last week I set out with a goal to capture the "Flower Moon" rise. I went over to a local restaurant that sits up on a hill. The views are excellent, and I figured I would pretty much have the place to myself (which I did). It seemed strange to see this normally bustling restaurant empty. The grounds are beautifully manicured, but empty.
Another reason I wanted to get out and take some photos was to try out a new lens. The photo above was taken using a 12mm fisheye. I really like the ultra-wide view it gives me. I have an 8mm fisheye, but it creates a round image. It's kind of a cool effect, but I prefer a traditional rectangular image. It turns out that 12mm is the widest lens I can use and still maintain the traditional rectangular format. It's an inexpensive lens (as lenses go). A significant downside to the lens (and what keeps it inexpensive) is that it's fully manual. No auto-focus and no auto-exposure. It's like the old days when everything was manual! Kind of fun, but also a challenge. All this is background information to provide an excuse for my blurry images below!

As the moon started to rise on the horizon, I did a quick lens change to a 100-400mm telephoto. The moon was visible but the sky was hazy.

As the moon got a little higher on the horizon, it became clearer.

 The little out of focus bird seems to be enjoying the Flower Moon!

Below is my attempt at capturing a rendition of the Flower Moon. I combined two photos, with photo #1 having a sharp focus on roses in a flower pot. Photo #2 had sharp focus on the moon. Combining the two photos gives you an image with everything in focus. 
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and healthy!


  1. Going gaga over your moon pics:) But when I saw your thumbnail I thought - flowers?? What happened? But now I know:)

  2. Lovely pictures of the moon! Here we have been visited by winter again and with the snow and cold wind there has been little photography. Wishing you good health and a happy weekend!

  3. ...your last one is a floral delight!

  4. Fantastic photos of the moon! Great!

  5. Beautiful moon and flowers!

  6. I like seeing the bird on the wire! Wonderful photos! It really was spectacular to watch! I'm glad it was clear here in FL too! Take care and stay safe!

  7. You are the wizard with the camera and the editing software. Great job.

  8. I could not get out to photograph the setting of the Flower Moon, but was able to see it rising over our back yard lake the night before. As you did, I created a few composite images after I shot it when it was a day old and higher in the sky. Yesterday morning the Moon was clustered with Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. The planets were beyond the resolution of my hand-held technique.

  9. Brilliant shots, the wide angle I have is 10mm which I have used at times I have thought of a fish eye

  10. Bravo to all your exploratory photographing ~ very creative and effective floral/moon shot too ~ thanks ^_^

    Be Well, Be Safe,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Fantastic images. I especially love the last one.

  12. That last photo is perfect! Great job combining two photos a,

  13. Hari OM
    Sadlyl cloud interfered with the spectacle for me this side... your shots are FABulous!!! YAM xx

  14. I admire good photography. I once bought a 'good' 35 mm camera a Nikon and never learned to use it. It certainly takes patience which I do not have. These are some of the best moon shots I have ever seen. They compare to those of NASA, good stuff. The flowers are beautiful also.
    Love it, THANKS
    Sherry & jack

  15. I had both kind of those fish eye lenses, I liked the rectangular one more. They was fun but I rarely used them. So I traded them away to get something I actually use.

    The manual one I had worked in AV-mode (and with manual-mode also). In AV-mode you set the aperature with the ring in the lens and focused manually, camera gave me the right exposure. Guess yours lens in different, mine was 15mm Samyang. My current gear can be found if you´re interested with what I´m photographing currently.

    Take lot of photos and Keep you and yours Safe!

  16. I have tried to get pics of the full moon, but they never come out. Of course, I only snap phone photos when I notice a full moon. I'm sure my results would be different if I took the time and effort to work on it.

    That is to say, I love these pics. I'm in awe of your skill.

  17. The new lens looks like it is going to be a lot of fun to play around with :)

  18. The last shot is magnificent.

  19. It's refreshing to see some photos other than desert scenes (I do love them, don't worry). You're right - the restaurant has stunning grounds - the perfect backdrop for your moon photo shoot!

  20. Excellent shots. Nice to have good equipment too. The flowers are so beautiful.

  21. One advantage to super wide is the focusing isn't nearly as critical--as with your other lens today. Laura got a new lens recently and I inherited her old 70 to 300. I'm having to relearn stuff I knew 40 years ago. Still not really getting out, so more experimentation will have to wait. I really like these pictures, Peter.

  22. Diese wunderbaren Aufnahmen lรถsen bei mir immer wieder Begeisterung aus.

  23. Nice blog with a lot of green and flowers. I'm nog used to see this here, but I like it. It almost make me feel at home here now. ;-)

  24. Oh how amazing this set of photos are my friend! The flowers look gorgoeus and so much alive! And that moon, oh my friend the moon has been so striking! Even here in the Philippines, I noticed that the moon has been shining brightly even to the inside of my room through a window! Love thise photos! The last one, the combination one is like a Twilight Poster! I love it!

  25. Hello, love the flowers and your gorgeous Flower Moon captures. Lovely series.
    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  26. My favorite is the last one - moon and the flowers. What a great composition.

    Have a great weekend!

  27. Such a lovely flowers ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ Regards!

  28. Different from your desert photos, but just as gorgeous.

  29. The moon and flowers, perfect combination!

  30. The location you chose is quite suitable and the Flower Moon effect is awesome.
    Let's hope that restaurant, as many other around the world, can get full soon.
    Happy weekend!

  31. Wow! This is so different from your desert images. Beautiful colourful flowers and great moon images. Enjoy your weekend.

  32. That's something different from flowers in the desert but no less beautiful.

  33. Oh la! Absolutely love these shots SPP, the combination of the flower moon with flowers ๐ŸŒผ is brilliant. I love playing around with my semi fisheye lens but for the widest normal shot I have a 9-18mm lens for my Olympus, I think that's the widest they have. Happy weekend ✨

  34. Awed with the first shot of the moon. It is so different than any I have seen before. I too used a fisheye lens with a nikon camera but I adore the Iphone now. Keep safe.

  35. Thanks for the kind comment on my Skywatch post.
    These are great, different photos of you, I am thrilled!
    Greetings from Deutschalns
    Stay safe and healthy

  36. These are great. I like your combined photo too. That second to the last moon photo is pretty spectacular!

  37. I haven't got a fish eye lens but looks like I should get one.

  38. Always a pleasure and an education thank you

  39. Such stunning shots.

    I love the ochre hues in the blue sky and the moon is simply enchanting.

    Thank you for visiting me at :

    Have a great new week ahead, Peter!

  40. Good job, these are great shots of the moon.

  41. It’s a good time right now to have a new toy (oops, I mean professional tool) to play with. And what lovely results. I have missed catching full moons most of this year ... your art makes up for that beautifully.

  42. It seems every time there is an event in the sky the clouds come to where I live. Enter you - thank you! I enjoyed your pictures, "flaws" (didn't care) and all. Puts my iPhone SE (first generation) to absolute shame. I could say "one of these days I'll learn more about the art of photography" but so far in the shutdown, I never did. There's a lesson in there somewhere.
