Thursday, November 30, 2023

Sunset Cliffs Park, San Diego

 "Ho′ dad": A non-surfer who frequents surfing beaches and pretends to be a surfer. 
Under 99 gazillion sold!!
Sticker van!
 On my last post, I mentioned Ocean Beach is a fun, quirky place. The above two photos gives you a flavor of this cool little beach town! We had barely scratched the surface before we decided to go check out something on the map called "Sunset Cliffs" (a very short drive from Ocean Beach).
Sunset Cliffs: Looking north.
Looking south.
Sunset Cliffs extend quite a distance down the beach. It was mid-day and cloudy, but I can totally imagine how beautiful it must be here during a beautiful sunset. You could spend the better part of a day hiking and exploring the cliffs, both up on top and down below on the beach (best to go during low tide). You will see arches, caves, Rum Runner Cove, Smuggler's Cove, and multiple lookout points. I really wanted to see and explore Sunset Cliffs Cave, which has a large circular opening to the sky, but you need a good low tide to get into the cave. The tide was high for us, so nothing doing.
Photo credit: UCSD Gardian
Sunset Cliffs Cave: I only wish this was my photo! What an amazing cave. When the tide comes in, you could float in here on a kayak (or swim in, which would be extremely dangerous). You can walk in during a good low tide, but you better make sure you don't stay long, and get out before the tide rises!
The ocean has done a beautiful job eroding the sandstone into interesting shapes!

We even managed to get the dog in the picture, although we couldn't get her to smile!
Time to head back to town for some dinner. Maybe a burger at Hodads?
Thanks for stopping by!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. A cool town and an amazing stretch of cliffs. It sounds as though getting that perfect shot of the cave will need as much detailed planning as your Milky Way photos.

  2. That bus full of stickers is seriously amazing. The cliff and the hollow cave scene are so unique and gorgeous to see

  3. fun photos - that sticker van is hard on the eyes!

  4. ...I always enjoy your desert images, but quirky Ocean Beach is a nice change of scenery. The VW is radical. Hodads has a great sense of humor. Take care and be well.

  5. THat photo with the sky in the hole is AMAZING. #Skywatch

  6. Dearest Peter,
    That was a very nice change in subject and quite interesting!
    Love the final WeFie with doggy included.

  7. Wow, gorgeous beach. Luckily, tides are something that are easily predicted (and documented), so you could totally get in that cave. Well, if the timing was right. (I assume that low tide isn't always at the most convenient time of day.)

  8. Funny how the interesting cliff erosions are reminiscent of rock formations in desert areas you travel. And what a great shot of the family!

  9. Love the photos, especially the last!

  10. Very cool pictures. Love the VW.

  11. A cool place with wonderful caves and rocks.
    A lot for exploring and photographing. πŸ˜‰

  12. You can't beat a good day at the beach. I love that cave. I've been on the beach when the tide was coming in. It's pretty darn amazing how fast it happens.

  13. Very interesting town and coastline. The cave is awesome.

  14. Good to see these photos and where you have been.
    That sticker van, well what a time the owner has had putting them all on there over time.

  15. Awesome pics, Loved the post.

  16. What a beautiful place to spend time with loved ones. Your GD is getting very tall.

  17. Oh the beauty of those ocean vistas and Mother Nature's creations! That's my kind of place!

  18. Too bad you couldn't reach that impressive cave. But even without that it is a beautiful environment.
    Greetings from the Netherlands.

  19. SUNSET CLIFTS ARE FANTASTIC SHOTS! Love the ocean one of my favorite places. I would rather be on it than at it. LOL This will be on our list for sure if we are ever able to make another around the country. I will say that your shots of the desert or beaches make a fellow feel better...
    Sherry & jack on the first coast...

  20. Those ocean cliffs are cool! I'd totally want to go there for a sunset.

  21. What a beautiful place. Love that stickered van and the cave with the hole. Thanks for taking us along and have a nice weekend.

  22. Hi SP&P! My next stop is Google Maps to see how long it will take me to get to Hodads! Currently my favorite burger dispensary is In-N-Out … perhaps you can offer a comparison. 😊 Sunset Cliffs definitely sounds like a great destination. Thanks for all the pics and you guys are looking good! John

  23. Your granddaughter is a cutie ~ sweet photos of her and the quirky places ~ The Cliff photos are fantastic and what a place ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days?
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. What a quirky place - I'd love to go there one day, if I ever make it out to California. Your granddaughter is growing and is quite the travel companion for you- enjoy these days with her.

  25. Looks like a fun outing. We love the gulf coast but it is kind of boring in a way with miles and miles of beaches or marshes. The west coast has lots of rocks, cliffs, and other things that are very fun and nice to look at.

  26. What a beautiful place! And I love the family photo with the dog. ☺

  27. Very unique! Only the dog seems not amused... Wish, I were there -
    Greetings from Germany

  28. What a beautiful place
    The decorated car was delicious

  29. Great pictures as always. I love them

  30. Great family picture! The Hodad’s sign is funny.

  31. There's no way to top a wonderful day spent at the beach. That cave is my absolute favorite spot.

  32. Sunset Cliff Caves looks awesome. So does Hodad's but in a totally different way.

  33. We were in the area just a few months ago. But we weren't able to get to the cave as there was a hurricane brewing.

  34. Spectacular rock formations, and whimsical street views.

  35. Looks like an amazing place to explore! The photos of the cliffs and cave are stunning.

  36. The van is fun, but probably no longer suitable for driving ;-) and the landscape is pretty!
    It's a pitty that you haven't seen Gov't mule live yet - I hope you do soon!
    All the best from Austria, Traude

  37. Looks like you had a great coastal experience. Nothing like a bit of salt air to whet the appetite. Literally as well as figuratively for a photographer.

    Nature - the ultimate artist. I'm with you. Would love to visit that cave at the right time.

  38. Is that van drivable? Or just an art piece. Didn't look like much wasn't covered, probably the windshield too.
