Sunday, May 20, 2012

Back To The Desert!!

Wow, feels like forever since I've shared any desert photos! Our San Francisco / Point Reyes trip resulted in sooooo many great photos, I've been posting on that for a while (I think I may yet have one more post from that trip). We did get out to the desert this weekend, so it feels good to be posting on desert topics. I think I'll focus this post on desert critters.
1. Humming Birds
F 5.6,  1/3200, 200mm focal length; iso 800 (oops, that was a mistake, but I like the way it froze the wings!)
F 5.6, 1/500, 200mm focal length, iso 160
The desert willow trees are blooming, so lots of hummers! For some reason, the desert hummers are less afraid of me than the city hummer! I was able to get closer, tighter shots... lots of fun and good photos.
2. Desert Dove
OK, admittedly not too exciting... these birds are common, but hey, just documenting what I saw (and this guy/girl was very cooperative!).
3. Coyotes
Yup, more exciting than the dove. My wife spotted two right up at the house while we we sitting on the patio (we had water on the trees so I'm sure they came down for a drink). Of course, I didn't have my camera with me, but they were in no hurry. I went in the house, got my camera, walk out and still managed to get a few photos. I like this photo because if you look really closely, you will see a second coyote on the left. And that little out-of-focus homestead behind our house is one of my favorites! There were a total of four coyotes, which is unusual. We usually only see one or two at a time.
4. Rascally Rabbits
Again, not too exciting... these guys are everywhere!

Oh, I almost forgot... there was a bird sitting on eggs in a nest on our front porch. She was very nervous. Every time we would go in or out the front door, or even walk by the window inside the house, she would fly away in a huff!
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Have a great week!


  1. lovely desert images, so love the first hummingbird picture

  2. wonderful pics! most i love the little rabbit :)

  3. great photos...looks like everyone came out to visit while you were there
    the second is my favorite

  4. That first shot is really beautiful!

  5. I always like your desert photos. All good!

  6. aw, i really like a lot the frozen hummingbird wing picture. and all of them, of course..but love the wingspan one.

  7. Your shots are great! And I'm thinking you might have to move until mama hatches her eggs!

    Thank you for sharing at Your Sunday Best this week. xoxo

  8. They are very cute. I like them very much.

  9. Great images! I've only seen my pack of 4 coyotes once. I occasionally see 1 or 2 of them, but don't see them for days, then suddenly I look up and there they are! They are well fed...lots of rabbits and ducks down at the ponds. Lots of palm trees for them to hide in also, during the heat of the day! I'm glad you got to return to the desert. We're going up to Idyllwild next weekend, so I'm hoping to get some blue jay photos! Oh, and gray squirrels, too!

  10. i like your views. surprised the rabbits are still plentiful if you have that many yotes. :)

  11. What amazing captures! I love the humming bird shots.

  12. Wonderful series of shots, your hummer is a delight, love that coyote too! Thank you for sharing this week on 'Weekly Top Shot #31!'

  13. Nice shots of the desert wildlife.

  14. These are beautiful photos, and I love the humming bird shots best, as I can't get one without proper gears like yours :-)

  15. fabulous shots . . . each and everyone!

  16. Wonderful captures in this amazing location.

  17. All fantastic images! =)

  18. The Hummingbird is divine!! And the rascally rabbit is rather cute! Very nice shots.
