Music credit: "Moon Rocks", Talking Heads
So I set up my camera and tripod outside last night, prayed they would still be there in the morning and that the wind or a coyote wouldn't knock them over, and set up the camera to take one photo every 10 minutes. Each photo was a 3-minute exposure (other settings: F 3.5, ISO 400, 17mm focal length). I pointed the camera south towards Joshua Tree, and let the camera click away from about 11 PM to 5:30 AM, resulting in about 38 photos. Pick a star in the YouTube clip and see if you can follow it!
As an add-on to this post, I got to thinking, what would it look like if I layered all 38 photos? Well, let's see... here's what a single photo looks like:
With 3-minute exposures, the stars lose their sharp focus and become oblong blobs because of their motion. Here's what it looks like if you layer all the photos on top of each other (remember - 10-minute interval between photos, hence the star movement looks like dashes).
Not the most beautiful of night skies, but an interesting effect! If you pick a single star and count the dashes, there should be about 38 (the number of photos I layered in Photoshop, which totally crashed my computer!!). Linking to:
