Thursday, September 26, 2019

So Long to Summer

Summer is officially over. Good riddance, I say. It's been soooooooo hot, I'm ready for cooler weather. I'm also looking forward to hiking again during the day (it's been too dang hot for day hikes in the desert). Heck, even my night hikes and attempts at Milky Way photography have been too hot! But I know someone who would strongly disagree with me!
Granddaughter Lilly would like summer to last forever. Do you remember those days? I sure do. Seems like summers were always much too short when I was Lilly's age, and I wanted nothing more than for summers to last forever. Endless summer, as the surfers say.

That's very true. I guess we shouldn't rush summer... or childhood. Hang on to 'em as long as we can.

Hope your summer was a good one, and here's to a Happy Fall!!

Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Great shots! We are getting into autumn now and have much cooler temps.

  2. Look at her go!! My kind of girl. It's getting cooler here on the NJ shore and autumn is on the way. I miss summer when it ends but, I love autumn too. I think we have to enjoy every season and get all we can from the beauty of each.

  3. Here in Norway the summer is so short, so I wish it could last much longer. I agree with you that childhood ends too quick, so let them be children as long as possible.
    Happy Weekend!

  4. We've had a very mild Summer-- A bit more rain than the usual September, and a possible frost this weekend--which would be about a month early if it comes. Your pictures are great. Love the first one. She's so natural in front of gramppa's lens.

  5. Nice to see such childhood enthusiasm. Am lil jealous actually.

    You mush have a great trust to your gear. Not excactly bone dry conditions.

  6. Hello, I love summer too. But,it was not as hot here. Cute photos of Lilly, the little surfer girl. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

  7. Great pictures of your granddaughter and indeed keep them treasured because time flies. In my mind see my daughter sleeping as baby but we are 45 years moved on now. Lucky I still have photo's .

  8. Fantastic photography! Brings back sweet memories when I was a kid. :-)

  9. Great to see Lilly having so much fun. I hope that metaphorically her summer does last forever. Be sure to say Hi from Canada.

  10. Aah Summer holiday! Lovely captures.

  11. Our favorite model, highlighted perfectly

  12. Lovely pictures of your granddaughter Lilly :-)) Here the summer has come back, just for a week, and soon the autumn will come back with rain and wind. Happy weekend!

  13. But, But, but....where you live, its always 'summer' ((grin)). Oh, to be your granddaughters age, smiles.

  14. Oh well I remember those summer days, never long enough!

  15. You really captured the milky way below! I'm a summer forever gal too. But, we've spent enough time in the desert now to know how hot it really gets. Uff da.

  16. What an energetic young lady she is, love to see that. I remember the sense of freedom as a kid when school let out, it was amazing.

  17. You got some fantastic shots of this young lady.

  18. I am with the young surfer lady, whyyy does the summer end?!

  19. Love these pis=cs of your granddaughter!

  20. Beautiful photos of your granddaughter enjoying the summer. I can remmeber those days, now the weeks go by faster than before. :)

  21. Well your granddaughter Lilly enjoyed it even if you did not, I'm with you on the hot summer. Now I will enjoy the cooler autumn. Great photo's you took

  22. Just had to stop by …
    Lovely photographs and my grandchildren too have certainly enjoyed their summer!
    Here's to a happy Autumn/Fall.

    All the best Jan

  23. Loved the shot of your granddaughter in the surf. Ah, yes, the endless summers of youth, and how fortunate you are to be able to experience it again with your granddaughter. Enjoy!!!

  24. Wow, she's so cute. The great thing about kids is that they are so passionate:) Wish that were true - a childhood that would never end!Great shots of your 7 year old grand daughter!

  25. Your granddaughter Lilly has grown so much. I was never bothered with hot days but now I am looking forward to cooler days.

  26. Nice shots!
    This brings back wonderful childhood memories of body surfing and Boogie boarding at Huntington Beach. Now my childhood is long gone and so is my love for summer. Maybe I should go to the beach. :-)

  27. Lily certainly looks as though she made the most of the summer!

  28. I remember my childhood wish for summer to last forever - life was sweet and so much to explore. Right now I am looking forward to a cooling off and want 92 degree highs to go away.

  29. Oh Lilly ~ you are so cute and enjoying Summer in these beautiful photos ~ yep, childhood summers were too short ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. Surfer girl Lilly is gorgeous SPP, reminded me so much of my son, he was an avid surfer from a really early age. I'm totally with you on the summer thing, a month to go and we'll officially be in summer, not looking forward to it ☺️

  31. Your Sky Pics caught the very essence of summer. Your Granddaughter pics are sweet and she looks very happy.Look forward to seeing more on your site.

  32. Nice summer images. Here in Germany now the autumn starts ...

    Regards Bernhard

  33. I can so relate to you being glad to say goodbye to Summer, ours will be here come December and by February no doubt I"ll be over it.

  34. I agree with you! Summer has been too hot this year. Our part of Colorado had record breaking heat and it has effected many trees and wildlife that like it cooler. Your granddaughter Lily is adorable--summer is made for children!

  35. Oh, I’m pretty sure Lily enjoys every season! She looks joyful whether she’s hiking In JT or surfing at the Coast. (Of course, she doesn’t have snow to deal with ... that makes it easier for kids (and great-grandmothers) to enjoy Winter!

  36. These are adorable, but then you started with a very cute model :)

  37. Oh I love summer when I was a little kid too! It seemed to last forever. Now it's over in a blink and the hot temps are miserable. Looking forward to cooler weather... eventually!

  38. Between Lilly's talent as a model and your talent with a camera, you make quite a team! I like to enjoy whatever season I am in - they all have something to offer!

  39. As a little child, I loved summer too and I would have liked it to last forever!
