Thursday, March 19, 2020

Sheltering in Place

I just returned from a trip to buy groceries. Who knew going to the grocery store could be such a nail-biting experience! People are stressed. Really stressed. Even the decision whether or not to go is a tough one. Do you really want to come in close proximity with a lot of people right now? But what choice do we have??

Social distancing and sheltering in place are terms we have become all too familiar with. I did a little social distancing earlier this week. I drove out to my favorite area for a hike (east Joshua Tree National Park). I hiked for 5 hours and 39 minutes. I didn't see another human being. I didn't even see footprints from another human being. Social distancing in this area is epic. I did see a desert tortoise, however.
A wonderful example of sheltering in place!
More accurately, the desert tortoise saw me. As he pulled himself into his shell in this defensive posture, there was a loud hissing sound (caused from air escaping). I literally jumped, assuming it was a snake. That's when I spotted this guy. A big, beautiful desert tortoise, and the first live tortoise I've ever seen out in this area, which is notoriously hot and dry, even by desert standards. I got down on my belly to take this photo, then waited quietly for about 10 minutes, thinking he would come out of his shell. He didn't, so I said thanks for the photo and continued onward.

The drive out. Look at those clouds! I knew it was going to be a great day for a hike and taking pictures.

I rarely stop on my drive out to a hike, but I couldn't resist on this particular day. It's been a long time since I've photographed any of the little homestead cabins in Wonder Valley (which I pass by on my drive out). Here's what this cabin shell looks like on the inside.
A sofa sleeper! Looks like the only thing sleeping here are pack rats. I'm guessing what's left of this little cabin won't be standing much longer.

Here's another one. I like the way it looks in b&w. Let's have a look inside...

Strange and disturbing. The dripping hand prints are the color of blood. I'm really hoping it's just paint. I didn't stay long.

My final detour on the drive out to my hike was this view of the Sheep Hole Mountains. The hike turned out to be a great one, and I will be sharing photos with you in the near future. Until then, stay safe and healthy.

Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. I know what you mean about the fear of shopping. I feel the same!

    Your walk looked wonderful!

  2. No cases in our county and most things are available so I haven't been too nervous yet. But when I read an article of a NJ family who has lost 3 members and 4 other relatives are critical after a family get together, the reality sunk in a bit more.
    Wonderful sky captures and it seems the tortoise was social distancing from you. ;)

  3. The shot through the window of the abandoned cabin is amazing. The decorations are no doubt the work of someone trying to be funny, but in today's world it brings up thoughts that go way past serial killers or horror movies. Stay well.

  4. Maybe the "Get Out" was a movie set?

    Going hiking is perfect right now, so long as no one else is around. Great way to socially distance and get some exercise.

  5. OH! Thank you for these...they take me away. (Remember the Calgon commercial that said, Calgon, take me away!) You may not be that

    Skies like this really do take me to another place, and that first one in B&W is just simply wonderful I can almost feel the air.

  6. Thank you for getting us out. Stay well, dear!

  7. Similar experience about shopping. Sacramento was a ghost town on Tue, St Paddy's day. It was strange and eerie. Am smiling about your take on social distancing - wow, hiking for 5 hours? But you probably remember, when hubby hikes, I paint (Yosemite). Didn't know turtle's would hiss! This looks like a sizable one. Am passing on what hubs had read on the internet: the preferrable social distancing is 6 feet (in my mind I see people shouting at each other!). Hopefully around Easter will get their mind back, and start acting normal!

  8. Beautiful cases here in our county, just yet. Although, the state of NY is shut down (and I do mean EVERYTHING but the essentials such as Walmart, Aldi, Wegmans (all open 7am to 8 pm), the hospital). Our mayor just enacted a curfew for 17 and under, which is needed.

    ANYWAYS--stay safe / healthy and I look forward to your photos (p.s. Did you take this hike by yourself? You're awful brave, grin).

  9. Always enjoy your lovely pictures. It's wonderful to see places I will never be able to visit.


  10. You got me with the photo of the tortoise - love turtles and tortoise. That view of sheep hole mountain is amazing.

  11. I would give almost anything to see a desert tortoise in its natural habitat. Love the shot!

  12. At work we were told to go home, so home I went. It has been rainy, windy, and cold so except for a couple walks I've been inside. I am not suited for home based work but I am retiring in less than six weeks so I better get used to being at home.
    What a great collection of photos you got, I can't wait to see the photos from the hike.

  13. Yeah, shopping is pretty wild now. BUT so glad you invited us along on the hike. We don't get any desert sights here on the first coast. The desert tortoise is a very good shot. As always the scenery is captivating.
    Sherry & jack

  14. It's so great you got to see a tortoise! And you got a nice photo of the little guy too. I love your photos quite a lot.

  15. Beautiful post. Amazing pics.
    Take care. Stay safe.
    Happy Weekend.

  16. How wonderful to see the tortoise, even if he was distancing himself socially from you (wonder if he's got "Get out!" painted on the inside of his shell). You are very brave to venture into these wild, unpredictable wastelands - the supermarket I mean, not the desert!

  17. Loved the tortoise sheltering in place!! Guess he was a bit shy when he wouldn't come out again. Your scenery is always amazing and I look forward to your next photos.

  18. Hello, I just love the tortoise, what a great sighting. The sky and clouds look beautiful. I wish everyone would remain calm and stop the hoarding. THE B&W Get out photo is just for "fun". Great series of photos, I enjoy your hikes. Happy Skywatching! Stay safe and healthy! Enjoy your day and weekend ahead.

  19. A strange but not an unwelcome encounter I guess with that tortoise. The cabin is also amazing as is the landscape as always.

  20. Beautiful skies. Love the turtle you spotted in the middle of the desert! He looks really big! The Get Out message was rather ominous... How often do you go out on your hikes?

  21. The road view photo is stunning

  22. I think some of us wouldn't mind sheltering in one of those falling down cabins, but we need your photos more than ever. Thank you. I'm working from home now and I understand all of CA is on lockdown. Hope you are still allowed to hike. Stay safe, you and your granddaughter! Just loved your tortoise and those cabins..well, except the one with the handprints.....

  23. What an adventure for you ~ that tortoise is amazing ~ Great photos and lovely sky shots ~ Cabins looked mysterious ~ that is certainly 'social distancing.' ~

    Keep Calm and Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. The tortoise has the right idea, to hunker down. Great photos as always, have a wonderful weekend and stay safe and healthy.

  25. ...magic, we will all be sheltering for a while!

  26. Wonderful - Life In The Desert - Fantastic Photos As Always - Thanx For Sharing - Be Well And Carry On


  27. What a wonderful think to come across that Desert Tortoise, think you would have been waiting a long time for him to pop his head out. Shopping is stressful morons have stripped the shelves so there is no tinned produce and the staff don't see that much use. At least you photos brighten up my week
    Stay Safe

  28. That’s a great day of “sheltering in place”. I never really thought about the possibility of tortoises in the desert so that was exciting to see. We are getting out on trails most every day, too.

  29. Que bellas imágenes, solo espero el fin del confinamiento para poder pasear por el campo. Que tengas buena salud.

  30. Oh, a desert tortoise, I never knew there was such a thing - very cool! People are panicking here and it really is ridiculous considering NZ makes loo paper and produces it's own veges, fruit and meat etc.

  31. I didn't know that turtles hiss either. You were brave to get down to his/her level and take the shot. Poor thing was probably having a hissy fit. Glad you took another hike. Blood hand print was totally unexpected and weird. So were the words GET OUT. Take care.

  32. Wonderful photos - as always! Especially the first picture is fascinating, I am thrilled!

  33. The tortoise is awesome. Thanks for sharing.
    Lucky you who can drive to go Italy we must stay home... :(

  34. Beautiful captures. Stay safe and healthy.

  35. Fabulous shots! Love that tortoise.

  36. What a great experience to actually see a desert tortoise in the desert. That's a long hike, I'm sure it was good for your soul and made you feel less stressed.

  37. When I was a kid, my best friend's parents homesteaded a cabin somewhere in the desert. It was just a one room cinder block structure but it was fun to go with here to visit. They trucked in water to put in a tank on the roof. They also bought a large piece of land near Sage, beyond Hemet. They dry farmed hay and had trailer groups stay in their oak grove. They had a two-holer outhouse there. Linda and I thought it was such fun. - Margy

  38. What a place to live in and still be complying to social distancing! These photos are AMAZING as usual. Thank you for sharing us the desert and that mighty looking desert tortoise. Despite the condition here in the Philippines slowly getting worse, I can relate to such beautiful clear skies which we also are under in this past week. Please stay safe my friend and keep yourself hydrated!

    Stevenson Que Blog
    Cavite Daily Photo

    PS, If I may, can I steal that photo of the road under the beautiful sky? I'll just use it as my laptop wallpaper if you permit :) IT'S BREATHTAKING!

  39. How exciting to see the tortoise! We used to live in 29 palms and never saw the abandoned cabins but the one with "get out" and hand prints is creepy!

  40. Beautiful landscape photos! Love the tortoise!
    Thanks for your visit to my blog
    Have a blessed day!

  41. What fabulous scenery! I love that tortoise but I'm sure he was glad when you left!

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  42. It is interesting for me to see a desert tortoise.

  43. That's what we all need right now SPP, a tortoise shell to retreat into :) It's so good that you have your treasured Joshua Tree National Park to escape to when you feel a bit restless. Take care.

  44. I love that photo of the tortoise sheltering in place. Beautiful photos from your drive. I love the scenery.
    I so agree about the grocery shopping.

  45. You do live in a perfect place to practice social isolation. Those cabins! Beautiful photo studies, but the second is so eerie. Gosh, usually when I see deserted homes and farm buildings I wish I knew the story! I always wonder what happened to the people who once lived and loved there. But I’m not sure I’d want to know about that one! ..... anyway, beautiful nature and skies and definitely a teaser for your next post...... stay well, you and all the family!

  46. Sounds like a great way to spend 5 hours.

  47. Like you, we are blessed to live in an isolated area - even if we are asked to shelter in place, I can go for walks right outside my back door and expect to see no one. Of course, this does not help when one needs supplies!!! That tortoise is incredible - I can only guess it is quite ancient, judging from its size! As always, lovely to be transported to a different place through your photos. Stay well.

  48. Those homestead cabins are truly interesting. Wonderful pictures, a great area!

  49. Creepy cool hand shot! And lovely tortoise shot. I've started curbside pick-up and delivery services now, deciding not to risk shopping. Ugh.

  50. Just wow! Also I did not know desert tortoises were a thing...I always picture the water type lol!
