Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Drive Home

No adventure this week... unless you consider driving S CA highways an adventure, which it certainly can be! I was driving home from the desert last week and the sky was so dramatic that my car just kept wanting to pull over for photos. It was that classic tug of war between being in a hurry to get back home and not wanting to miss a photo opportunity.

Totally off topic comment, but I read in the paper a couple days ago that kids born during these times will likely never have a drivers license. They won't NEED a drivers license. Traditional drivers licenses will go the way of 8-track tapes, land lines and typewriters. Cars will be totally self-driving, so no need for a license. The article went on to say people won't even need to own cars. You will just request one from the car pool, it will show up at your home, and you will tell it where to go. Imagine that!

Highway 62 (looking west)

A little further along on Highway 62, there was this weird dense cloud running east/west. It struck me as odd because it was at ground level, much like smoke from a fire, but perfectly white and with beautiful blue skies above. That's Mt. San Jacinto ahead, but you really can't see it through the clouds. This is just a few miles before the 10 freeway, and I could see cars ahead of me hitting their brake lights as they entered the clouds! The remaining photos are taken from within the dense cloud cover. Very eerie and very strange! New sci fi movie idea: "Attack of the Killer Clouds!" Or how about "Attack of the Wind Generators!!"

Wind generators are taking over the world!!

Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe & stay healthy!!


  1. Clouds and shiloette are a great combo here. I have a photo like that this week too.

  2. Top shots with the grey clouds.

  3. Awesome shots off the highway ~ great skies and love the windmills ~ ^_^
    PS. ~ not driving ~ where is the fun in that? LOL ~ oh well ~ change is the constant of life.

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBut Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Very dramatic photos.
    I've read similar things about cars. I guess some cars have a lot of digital processing power and theoretically could be hacked for disastrous results.

  5. Great shots! Wonderful Clouds!
    Stay safe and healthy

  6. I understand having to pull over for photos. You were totally right to do so. Those white clouds on the ground are amazing! BTW I don't know if I trust cars showing up driverless and taking me somewhere. Do You?

  7. Beautiful low lying fog photos. Self driving cars instead of the cartoon depicted "flying cars" of the Jetson's in the future? Sounds good to me! I like seeing wind generators--they signal less carbon emissions and cleaner air--t least i hope so!

  8. I really like the first pic. Would be so nice to drive there with either Motor Cycle or a roofless (cabriolet) car. Very, very nice Vista!

  9. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to drive. I mean, I don't hate it, but if two of us are going someplace, the other person always drives.

  10. ...we have a number of wind farms here and for the most part I am a fan. The Maple Ridge Wind Farm produces 321.75 megawatts with 195 turbines. Around here you either love them or hate them.

  11. Dearest Peter,
    Love your first photo, very dramatic and great overview.
    You write about those clouds being at ground level but of course that is only a half truth... at what altitude were you driving?
    Poor birds with the expending use of wind generators...

  12. Those first two views particularly stand out.

  13. Great shots sir.
    I cannot recall as how many times I faced below situation!
    "It was that classic tug of war between being in a hurry to get back home and not wanting to miss a photo opportunity."

  14. You are channeling War of the Worlds!!! If self-driving cars mean fewer cars on the road, I am all for it!

  15. I must be getting old - I don't think I could relax in a car with no driver!
    What a strange cloud that was, almost like a thick fog except only in one place. Very weird :)

  16. I really don't know about being comfortable in a self driving car, I think I like to be in control in that respect.

  17. I´m in love with your car (and have an earworm now!).
    We were on Australia´s longest straight road and our car had a drill to the right, LOL. Maybe it wanted to take pics, too?

    Take the pics!!! Pretty please.

    Nice look into the future (for cities).
    I vote for "Attack of the Wind Generators!!". Glad I have no car anymore and skip that on the way to my Bro, hence, taking the stupid train (some time after hard lockdown).
    Happy Friday :-) Cloudy, snowy roofs here.

  18. Superb, The photos of the cloud remind me of a time when I was at Purdue working on some scientific equipment. The guy who I was working with used to be an airforce pilot and explained about the clouds we saw overhead on the way back from lunch. Later he came in the lab and said you got to see this. He said it occurred after storms which was unique around the area. We went outside and I was faced with this thick blanket of cloud you could not see through swirling around, I was gobsmacked and took a few moments trying to see through it till I hear a noise like an engine running. I walked a few steps into the cloud and spotted a liquid Nitrogen lorry filling the tanks there and the fog was the condensation evaporating off the pipes. I turned around an everyone was in stitches including me. The wind generators look spooking in the cloud

  19. You bet that I would consider driving S CA highways an adventure!
    Although your photos of the wind generators and the clouds are majestic (especially nr. 4 and 8), I would prefer a better view of the surroundings without clouds, as in your wonderful first photo.

  20. Also very beautiful photo's and number one is indeed,thanks to your viewpoint, a very great one. Wel done again.

  21. A car with no driver - then I could pretend I was rich and had a chauffeur, lol. But in these times, I wouldn't want to get into an unknown car. And don't know how I would feel at highway speeds. In town, maybe. I enjoyed your Attack of the Killer Windmills. And realized I never read your last week's post; will have to get back later.

  22. Stunning pics, great clicks.
    Stay well.

  23. I think we can all "see" that you were quite taken with those wind generators, Rick. As for the prospect of self-driving cars, it's not something I would welcome myself. But, then these days I am doing more walking than driving.

  24. haha, of course your car wanted to stop! who in his right mind would want to miss those scenes.

  25. Your posts are always little meaningful vacations. Your voice comes through effortlessly in your photos and words.

  26. Spooky shots within the cloud cover. Wind turbines are taking over for sure. they are everywhere in Eastern Washington.
    We have Snow geese that winter over in Skagit valley. they are from Siberia and Wrangle Island is their breeding ground. So they leave here in March to go back home. they arrive here in October. Trumpeter and tundra Swan also overwinter and we get a huge influx of bald Eagles too. fun photo ops in the winter. The count of Snow geese is usually around 100,00.

  27. Awesome clouds in that second shot.

  28. It looks like a real adventure to me!

    Happy weekend!

  29. Greetings and Salutations! Agreed. Driving will be old school. or Huh? what is that? Lovely photographs posted. Take care.

  30. I like your series of "urban" shots. The last ones the most dramatic! :-)

  31. Maybe the cars will have inbuilt cameras and will pull over and take their own photographs while we stay at home in bed.

  32. Dramatic sky photos!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  33. Familiar views of the mountains (love it. We saw a lot of these new windmills on our trip to Texas, bunched together going into New Mexico, with stern warning signs, such as instructions what to do when you ended up in a dust storm! Such as Do not stop. Do not put your foot on the brake, etc. We saw one in the distance - a fearsome sight!

  34. The first time we ever saw “ giant windmills” was on a long long ago car trip to California..we had barely heard of them. Now they are everywhere it seems, but I always think of them as that first time. ..... I hope the prediction about cars comes true for my great-grands, but I remember being told that for sure we would have flying cars by the time we were grown up. Somehow that didn’t ever happen.

  35. Hopefully the car that drives itself will mean that there will be no more road accident. Stunning white cloud at ground level with blue sky above.

  36. Great photos! I suspect the futurists are underestimating how much people like to drive.

  37. Your first shot is fantastic SPP! The cloud amazingly thick, does that happen often? Maybe something to do with the mountains? The wind vanes in the mist almost look like something out of a science fiction movie! Can't even begin to imagine not driving myself around, not sure I'd trust the automation idea 😊

  38. Another great series of stunning pictures !

  39. Yes, I do consider driving S CA highways an adventure :) It's certainly something I've never done. Those views!

  40. Fabulous shots! The future sounds great.

  41. Interesting thoughts about driving in the future. I would LOVE a self driving car myself. Sit back and enjoy the scenery .... perfect. Those are some dramatic skies you captured.

  42. Beautiful!
    Thanks for visiting my blog - gave me a chance to find yours!
    I will be a frequent guest. :)

  43. Love the tortoise, one of the rocks in the 2nd photo almost looks like the shape of a tiger shell. You have so many different shapes to see there.
