Thursday, October 21, 2021

Joshua Tree Frames and Sunbursts

 I was out hiking Boy Scout Trail in Joshua Tree recently on one of those perfectly beautiful blue sky days. The sun was low on the horizon and I found myself looking for opportunities to add to my sunburst photo collection.
F22, 1/60 sec, ISO 125
You might recall that sunbursts are best created when the sun is partially obscured by a solid object (like the rocky surface in the photo above) and the aperture is stopped down (f22 in the photo above). It's fun and easy to do, and makes for a more interesting shot.
You can also get a pretty good sunburst by simply shading out part of the sun using the branch of a tree... in this case, a Joshua tree.
Interesting rock formation
It feels like I'm being watched! A short guy with a bushy mustache?

The two photos above are typical views along the Boy Scout Trail.
I also wanted to get some practice using Joshua tree branches as a natural photo frame, and to add interest and texture. In the photo above, the Joshua tree branch certainly adds texture. Getting in close and personal with these branches can be hazardous to your health if you're not careful!
Here's one of my favorites where the Joshua trees make a nice frame.

It seemed as if no Joshua tree was safe from me trying to coerce an interesting photo perspective. But a couple of them had their revenge, giving me good pokes with their spiny fingers!
Thanks for stopping by.
Stay healthy & stay safe!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. You turned your hike into a handy photo lesson for us.

  2. Such beautiful photos again, wonderful! I like the sun rays!

  3. beautiful sunburst photos and as always I love your desert scenes

  4. Great images with the sun in view! I don't know how to measure the aperture to get the sunburst -give me a hint(that means, spell it out first grade level, haha):) The trees framing the image, makes the scene perfect!Have a great time this weekend in the desert

  5. I always look forward to Skywatch Friday because the one blog I really want to see is yours and you never disappoint, your photos this week are stunning, you also give me a hint of how to get a sunburst as well. BTW U thought the forth photo looked like the two rocks were a skull poking its head up and a lizard

  6. Wonderful shots of the Joshua trees.
    You remind me of playing U2's 'Joshua tree' again.

  7. I've never seen Joshua trees before. They look so exotic and beautiful.

  8. Haha, plants love to take 'revenge' on us when we do something near them. I am always being ripped apart by rose thorns if I get too close :)

  9. Thanks for the clinic, and for the lovely images. Yes rocks have faces.

  10. These scenes are right up my alley. How I missed seeing your photos.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  11. Good info on how to create those sunbursts. I bet it also takes a bit of skill of the photographer.

  12. Excellent star bursts. I have tried umpteen times but needs a good lens. Otherwise, the overall picture sharpness reduces. Also popping up shadows also need good camera resolution. Most of my images with star bursts left underexposed due to distortion

  13. Very nice low sun pics. Love the sun bursts.

  14. you are a master at balancing the light and shadow--- I usually end up decreasing with contrast in the darker areas in post. Well done!

  15. Some well shot sunbursts there and yes that 4th photo of yours looks like a man's face, well spotted.

  16. Incredible as always. That face on number 4 could also be the underside of a nose sticking in the air. Another nice found again.

  17. Beautiful series, I love the sunburst and the trees! Have a great weekend!

  18. Amazing landscapes, your banner picture is realy TOP !

  19. That landscape never ceases to amaze me. There's nothing like it here, and I always feel like I've been to an exotic place when I read your posts.

  20. You Nailed Everyone Of These Photos - Those Sun Flare Shot Would Be Ideal On A Printed Canvas - Enjoy Your Weekend With The Family - Stay Creative


  21. Impresonantes pasajes, con una excelente luz.

    Feliz fin de semana.

  22. Beautiful sun flare shots. Thanks for sharing and the tips. Have a great weekend.

  23. Enjoyed your experiments and sorry the trees got their revenge for you not asking their permission before using their images in photography. (No, I don't do that, either.) Seriously, thank you for sharing some of your knowledge.

  24. Gorgeous captures and love your header too!

  25. Dearest Peter,
    Amazing photos and very happy ones!
    They are perfect for my day's ending...

  26. I saw the guy! He is looking at us...
    You managed to get the images you were looking for. Great shots! Good job!
    I too feel the need "to sail away from "my" safe harbour"! : )

  27. Excellent photos as always. I have achieved sunburst a few times accidentally, but now I know how it's done. Thank you for explaining. The man with the bushy mustache looks really annoyed :))

  28. Gorgeous photos especially the 1st and 2nd. Nice photo frames with the Joshua trees.

  29. I do like the sunbursts.. and the Joshua tree provided some great framing.

  30. All wonderfully creative photos ~ love the framing and sunbursts! Xo

    Living in the moment

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. those trees are truly gorgeous.

  32. Your photos are so great! The landscapes and the sun looks so beautiful!

  33. I need to work on a sunburst project. Thanks for the tutorial!
