Thursday, December 16, 2021


 Finally! We're getting some significant rain this week. It's been a long time. I guess you need to live in a dry climate to get excited about rain. With the rain, I'm seeing stormy, dramatic skies.

Hidden road. This old oil property road is overgrown and all but disappeared. I was surprised to find it. Amazing that the white line is still visible!

Every time I walk this trail, I look for this hat. Sometimes it's on the ground, and I hang it back up in the tree, but usually it's in the tree. It's been here a long time, and I'm sure it has some stories to tell!
Stay warm, stay dry, and thanks for stopping by!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. Very beautiful and dramatic clouds
    really like picture 3

  2. your photos are all beyond AMAZING and the header is breathtaking

  3. I can imagine the joy that taking those beautiful pictures brought you. Those clouds can be quite intimidating. :)

  4. ...I hope that the rain hasn't been destructive. I live in an area with dependable precipitation, but a dry summer can make things a bit crunchy! Enjoy your stormy skies.

  5. Great dramatic shots. I enjoyed the rain. Well, until I had to go out in it :(

  6. I love the hat!! Does it fit?
    Your photos are almost Biblical in drama. I'm glad you got some rain. The entire west has been parched!!

  7. If the whole post would have been in black and white, your next to last black and white would have been too scary to go there:) Luckily I have driven by enough times that it's not severe:):) Enjoy your December weekend!

  8. Striking photos. Thank you and smart choice to end with the hat. I shall think of it more than once throughout the day I'm sure.

  9. Love the results of the B/W. The hat makes me smile. There is something about a small think like that which makes the mind wonder, knowing, Yep there is a story there.
    From NC
    Sherry & jack

  10. I really like the first one. Close second is the third one. Fantastic photography as per usual.

  11. If you like clouds and rain you should come and live in England, though ours are rarely as photogenic as yours, just uniform grey from horizon to horizon.

  12. Nope. Yes. In Perth friends called me when it was raining to ask if we have rain, too.
    But also here in Germany I got a link to a rain-song from Ireland :-) I´m a "pluviophile" and enjoy your pics.
    Oh, the hat! Wonderful! Have a great Friday!

  13. I wonder whose hat that is and will they come back and get it. As for the rain it looks like we're in for a wet Summer, we've had alot of rain so far.

  14. I especially like the 5th one down. We've had a lot of rain--- not so much at any one time, but almost every day. I confess that a week in Palm Springs wouldn't hurt my feelings at all.

  15. Congratulations on the rain. It again provides beautiful photos. it is truly a master at work.

  16. We're having rain here, too. Your cloud photos are truly dramatic.

    I'm getting a kick out of the hat. I enjoy these little markers along the way. I wonder how many other people pick it up and put it back in the tree. A community hat :)

  17. Funny about the hat. Living in South Carolina, we get plenty of rain, and then some. I’m glad you got some. Those skies sure are dramatic.

  18. Stormy sky's make some dramatic photos so you really showed this with yours

  19. I cannot even chose a favorite your photo's are all beautiful!

  20. Beautiful shots, love those dramatic skies.

  21. Las nubes son fabulosas, sobretodo en la terdera fotografía.

    Aquí, deseamos que llegue la lluvia, después de demasiados meses de sequía.


  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. How dramatic. My favorite was #3, followed by #1. The hat at the end was a nice touch.

  24. I love the black and white photos of the clouds. I actually like stormy weather. I love it just before a storm when the sky gets dark and the wind picks up. You'll usually find me sitting on my front porch taking it all in.

  25. Truly wow! Bad weather can be very photgenic...

  26. The dramatic skies is so beautiful! It's nice to get rain when it's so dry. Nice hat :)

  27. Spectacular stormy sky. Lots of rain here, many areas flooded.

  28. Rain is a blessing!
    Great photos!

  29. Wow! Dramatic skies and great shots ~ love the hat on the tree ~ Xo

    I am a bit behind in commenting ~ sorry for my tardiness ~

    Happy Day to you,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. wonderful pics.
    Stay well. Happy Weekend.

  31. Hi SP&P, I need to start keeping a list of blogs to check up on. Yes, I know there is a “reader” list thing that is supposed to show me updates on blogs I follow, but sometimes a long time goes by and I’m not looking at that reader list. I am always happy when I finally remember to come back to Spare Parts and Pics. This time I saw your comment somewhere and it reminded me to check in. You really are an artist with the camera. Love your photography. You’ve got some award winners in this post for sure. Now, if you really enjoy rain, just move up here to Seattle. Big smile! We had more rain between September 1 and the end of November than ever recorded before in that same period of time. And that is a lot of rain. Thanks again for posting and take care! John

  32. Beautiful captures of dramatic skies and the hat is indeed intriguing.

  33. We've only had a few sprinkles but they are predicting more this weekend. The skies in your photos are amazing. I especially like that 3rd photo.

  34. That hat is just too much fun! Lovely rain, lovely monochrome pictures. Just like in California, It was so dangerously dry in Oregon last year, when we spent the whole year there, including what is supposed to be the rainy season. I swore I would never againcomplain about the rain if only we could get some. (But as my daughter sweetly pointed out when I talked to her yesterday we came to Florida before the Oregon rains started! ) She and I and everyone we know are glad for the rain, although they are getting too much in some areas and floods and landslides. Why can't everything be perfect?

  35. I love the road and moody clouds. Such drama! Happy Holidays and safe New year to you. I hope you have lots of photo adventures in 2022.
