This section of Joshua Tree National Park is full of crazy, eroded rock formations. Sometimes it looks like the rocks have just melted under the incredibly hot desert sun.
My friend Mark Robben came across a rock formation he named "Jabba Rock", and I think it's a fitting name. It's in the center of the photo (above), and a close-up shot (below).
What do you think? Does Jabba Rock resemble Jabba the Hutt?
Mark had mentioned he hadn't been able to find a way to climb up to explore the alcove at the top of Jabba Rock, but it looks fascinating! Big, spacious, with an arch and a great view.
A close up of the upper alcove. Doesn't that look amazing!?? Hard to see from this angle, but there is another large recess or alcove directly beneath the upper alcove. It's like a two-story condominium!
So therein lies the challenge... how in the heck do you get up there?? Too much vertical rock surface to climb up from this angle. At the base of Jabba Rock. From this approach, it looks sketchy, but not impossible.
Ta Da... success!!! See that round opening in the rock (center right)? That leads directly into the upper alcove. I'm really happy to have found a way in, and I'm still in one piece.
Jabba Rock alcove is pretty amazing. It has large window-like openings with incredible views. The wind blows through on a regular basis. It looks as if the floor of the alcove has been recently swept, it's so clean! Two or three people could comfortably camp up here (just don't try to climb down in the dark!).
After enjoying the views and soaking up the ambiance of the upper alcove (and wondering if Native Americans might have sat where I'm sitting and enjoyed the same views), I decide it's time to climb down. The sun is getting low on the horizon, and I still want to see if there is a way to climb up to the lower alcove.
This gives you a nice view of the lower alcove. Overhang is probably the more accurate term. Directly above it is the upper alcove, which we just came from. I find a crease in the rocks and make my way up.
The lower overhang is almost as impressive as the upper alcove, but not quite. Still, I was really pleased to be able to find a way to climb up and check it out and get some photos. Jabba Rock is on my short list for a return visit!
By the time I was done crawling all over Jabba Rock, the sun was long gone and the moon was up. Looks like it's going to be a dark hike back to the car using GPS and a headlamp!
Cotton candy skies kept me company for a while on the hike back to the car! |
Goodbye sun and hello moon! |
Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and stay healthy!!