Thursday, February 17, 2022

More from the "Lost" Files!

 My last post was about a favorite hike I had completed way back in December of 2019, but had forgotten about the files and never shared them. Here are a few more from that memorable hike. The terrain is rocky and remote, but the photo opportunities are numerous. Thanks for joining me, and let's go see what we can find!

Fortune Cookie arch. A friend of mine told me about this one!

View from inside one of the many, many shallow caves in the area. I like the way the sun was visible through the side "window"!
View from under one of the many arches I came across on this hike.

Navigating through this rocky terrain can be both challenging and rewarding. You never know what you might find, and there are arches and shallow caves waiting to be discovered!

Well after sunset, navigating by GPS and headlamp.

Thanks for stopping by!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. Beautiful, such stunning photos of the area and vies from the arches. Second, fourth and sixth I found most atmospheric with the clouds

  2. Wonderful pictures and with such nice shapes

  3. ...I'm glad that they were found. Thanks for taking my along on the lost adventure.

  4. Amazing! And I have to tell you I love your header picture. It's beautiful.

  5. you have a great talent in composition - I used to think he is so lucky to find so much beauty but I now know you find a beauty and place it in the perfect frame - amazing

  6. An amazing landscape and to see it photographed shows its real beauty.

  7. Amazing shots, you are so brave for climbing into all those snake caves.

  8. Dearest Peter,
    Wow, more views from great pictures taken in December 2019. Love your mention of the sun coming in through side 'window'!
    Love the last two images with the moon visible.
    You captured such excellent photos from a unique landscape.
    Hard to imagine such surroundings, compared to where we are...
    Thanks for sharing them; they're like good wine; only BETTER with age!

  9. I dig your eye and how you give it free play. Thank you

  10. Great photos. Glad they didn't remain lost on your hard drive.

  11. amazing landscapes and the sky is so great too. glad you found these

  12. They´re all good but my fav is the sidewindow. To me these looks like another planet. Have never been in desert so thank you for sharing these. I can get a glimpse without sweating.

  13. Breathtaking, my friend. Absolutely breathtaking.

  14. The treasure archive. Beautiful again.

  15. That really is a rugged area. I'd have to be careful not to twist an ankle. But, that scenery might be worth it. Beautiful.

  16. Rocky and remote but so beautiful and awesome photography ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. As always, so beautiful. The third from the bottom was my favorite with the golden sunset light just touching the top of the formations.

  18. I am really in love with this area. thanks to you.

  19. I love your photos as usual, I bet you find something different each time you visit.

  20. I especially like the one with the light on top of the rocks.

  21. Beautiful! The last one is like a group of people chatting along :-)

  22. Truly wow! The fortune cookie arch looks for me like a mother, who gives her child a good night kiss ;)
    Have a nice weekend

  23. Stunning photos from the amazing dessert. I too think that the first photo shows 2 rocks kissing. Have a beautiful weekend.

  24. Greetings and Salutations! Oh my goodness! You are a miracle worker in the desert at shooting. Ace! #1. You got the knack. You have the photographer's eye.

  25. Yikers! I can't even imagine hiking around there in the dark.
    Golly, You amaze me. And - all the while, you remember to tell us the stories - and Show us Magical Views.

    Thank YOU! (but, please take care of yourself . . .)

  26. Glorious skies. I love the perspective of taking photos from inside the cave to the sky outside. Thanks for sharing and have a fantastic weekend.

  27. Exceptional landscapes and beautiful rock formations.
    Thanks for sharing.

  28. Es un lugar que da mucho juego para hacer fotografías, por lo espectacular y belleza del sitio.
    Pero, no todas las personas sabemos hacer un reportaje con la calidad que tiene el tuyo, con imágenes de una ejecución insuperable.
    Un cordial saludo.

  29. Those views are stunning! I'm particularly impressed by the photos taken from inside the cave.

  30. Mind Blowing - Every One Of These Photos Could Be Printed On Canvas And Would Receive A Blue Ribbon For Sure - All Award Winning Shot Brother Parts - Well Done


  31. So lovely -- I just kind of want to move into that one shallow cave with the sky view out of the big window and the gorgeous sun out of the side one. (For the purposes of this comment we will ignore all the other things I think I need besides a wonderful view.!)

  32. Great pictures! I'm glad you found them.

  33. The moon views are always fascinating.
