Thursday, September 1, 2022

Monsoon Summer 2022 (part 1)

 The summer of 2022 might well be remembered as "monsoon summer" in the S CA deserts. Seems like the monsoons started early and just kept going. Right now, were in the beginning of the most brutal heat wave of the year in S CA. It's being called the "head dome", and with global warming, September (which used to signal the end of summer and cooler temps) is the new August. But I digress... 

In early summer, the monsoon clouds were just a tease and didn't provide any rain. By about mid-summer, the rains came, sometimes in the form of heavy thunderstorms that have caused road closures. If you're a skywatcher and photographer, you will likely be in heaven. The big, dramatic clouds make all your photos so much better!
I hadn't been out to the desert in a couple weeks, and when I went out for my hike last week, I was surprised at how green everything was. Yellow flowering cinchweed was everywhere!
Mitch, Roger and I had agreed to meet at the Barker Dam parking lot at 3PM, but I had some free time prior to that. Mitch and I agreed to keep an eye on the sky for any monsoon clouds that might make an appearance, and if we saw anything, make a mad dash into the park for some photography. By about noon, the sky was still blue with almost no clouds. Disappointed, we agreed to meet at about 2PM for an hour of photography before meeting with Roger, and hope for the best. I was debating whether or not to drive the Jeep (it has a soft top that doesn't protect the interior in the event of rain), but at the last minute opted to drive the Ford just in case. That decision would turn out to be a good one!

It was amazing how quickly the skies changed, from blue skies to cloudy. This is just what we were hoping for!
Cloud monsters on the horizon!

Mitch and I were in heaven as the sky put on quite a show. We still had a bit of time before we needed to meet with Roger, so we hiked over to check out Barker Dam.
Barker Dam trail.
Do I see a duck??
Not much water behind Barker Dam, which really surprised me. Then again, desert monsoon rains are very localized and you never know exactly who is getting the rain.
Just steps away from the photo above was a beautiful little pond. It turned out to be my best photo opportuity. Rare to see so much green in the desert!

Smoke ring cloud!
Time to go find Roger and start our hike.
I hope you'll come back for part II... more monsoon skies and some truly crazy weather!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. Wow! Those are amazing sky shots ~ great series of photos ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Love the photos. I too try to include clouds whenever I can. Here on the shore of Lake Michigan we have fantastic clouds especially at sunrise and sunset. My Dad had this almost "obsession" with clouds. As kids he would have us l lay back on the ground and watch clouds - looking for things we would see in the formations, always changing, always moving. That was my start in observing clouds and the importance of having them in photos.

  3. ...the landscape sure looks different given some rain. I read the the rains have damaged some cactus. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend.

  4. It's not a duck. It's a loon or merganser. Thanks for sharing. Open skies with us!

  5. Thank you, lovely shots of clouds, reflections, green.

  6. Your cloud captures are beautiful.

  7. These are wonderful! Thanks for visiting :-D

  8. It is always a visual feast to check out your latest post. The trees in the series are so unique and catch my attention constantly throughout. The reflection photos are astounding too.

  9. Very dramatic skies. Looks like you've missed the rain so far.

  10. A True Desert Oasis There - Dig The Cloud Action During These Monsoonal Season Patterns - Bring On Part Two Brother Parts - Happy September To You And The Family


  11. Wow these clouds are almost intimidating! And a sky full of these make it even more so. Have never seen these kind of clouds in California (I did here in Texas). Was not aware we had monsoons in California desert:) Thanks for sharing this beauty with all of us! Emille (Jesh)

  12. Stunning photos, Just loved the post.
    Happy Weekend

  13. Brilliant clouds and blue sky.

  14. Super clouds! I remember sitting in a restaurant someplace, watching the thunderheads form over San Gorgonio Mountain. Each time I saw them form there or over Mt. San Jacinto, they started as a wisp....and grew into a giant in less than a half hour. Nice memories, stirred by your wonderful pictcures.

  15. Wow! You got some really dramatic sky and reflection shots.

  16. Beautiful as always with in this case also clouds playing a part.

  17. Gorgeous scenery and beautiful skies, great series! Happy weekend! Take care, have a happy day!

  18. Clouds showed up and what a spectacular display both of you saw. Thanks for sharing some of it with us.

  19. Truly amazing how fast the desert greens up with just the slightest bit of rain. Your images of the brilliant blue skies and huge dramatic clouds set over the beautiful desert are amazing.

  20. Some surprising scenery (the pond) and lots of great cloud shapes to use one's imagination on. Yes, I'll be back for part 2.

  21. Dearest Peter,
    Yes, those clouds make for some really dramatic pictures!
    You captured it well and it shows what rain does for growth.
    We have had our share of a wet monsoon, of course interfering with our biking...
    Hardly can believe that all 11 days on my drive out West, we had sunny weather. But 3 days after we were in Colorado, they had flash floods and mud slides... WOW.
    Looking forward to your Part II.

  22. The desert really comes alive after rainfall! Your skies were so blue and the clouds so high and fluffy white. A beautiful contrast in your photos.

    There was a monsoon season here in Colorado this summer but it remained scattered. We had good rainfall in July, none in August.

  23. Love your second green-desert & pond photo (the one before the first smoke ring, which made me smile because I thought that and then read your caption!).

  24. Your sky photos are amazing and very beautiful! Yes, it's looks like a smoke ring :)

  25. Monsoon storms are still going on here too. However, we've had much less rain than usual. Just lots of clouds and some lightening. I can smell rain in the air but it doesn't seem to fall that much in the center of the city. You got some fantastic cloud pictures here. I love the ones with the pond. That is an unusual desert sight.

  26. Fascinating and mesmerizing cloud formations! And the pond reflections are so pretty.

  27. Blown away by the cirrus clouds and the yellow bloom. Have a lovely new week, Peter.

  28. They were gorgeous, complex. I look forward to visiting here each week. And the green around the pond: that was great.

  29. All that green around Barker Dam! Amazing -- it has definitely gotten some rain. The monsoon skies are really wonderful for cloud watchers and dreamers ! thanks for sharing the love.

  30. Fantastic clouds. The duck could as well be a standing dragon. 😄
