Thursday, November 16, 2023

Ocean Beach, CA

 Google describes Ocean Beach (San Diego) as "a vibrant, bohemian neighborhood, with a classic SoCal beach vibe." I think that's pretty accurate. It feels old school: Older homes, unique stores and restaurants, and dripping with personality. It's like the big money developers have somehow missed this slice of beach heaven, and that's exactly why we wanted to spend a few days here.
We stayed at the Ocean Villa Inn. Nothing fancy... It's your basic motel, although pretty rundown, but it had two important things going for it: [1] Location (right on the beach) and [2] dog friendly. On one side of the motel is Dog Beach, so this place (and actually the whole town) is like taking your dog on vacation! Dogs seem to be welcome everywhere. In the photo above, you can see my wife holding our dog, a rescue that had joined our family only a few weeks prior.
For this post, Lilly & I will take you on a walk to Ocean Beach Pier.

From our motel, it was a nice walk down the beach to the pier. I think I recall reading that Ocean Beach Pier is the longest concrete pier in California. Or maybe in the US? Anyway, it's long and has an unusual "T" shape. 
On the pier, looking at the left side of the "T"
About half way out on the pier was one of those wonderful old seafood restaurants. This one looked like it had been here a long time and weathered many a storm. The perfect spot to enjoy fish & chips and a cold one, but we had already eaten, so I settled for a photo of the view out one of the restaurant windows.
Photo opp outside of the restaurant. Watch out, Lilly!!
I don't recall what we were laughing at, but I know we were having fun!
Classic SoCal beach vibe!
One of the locals. Might be a vendor, packed up his wares and done for the day.
The beautiful sunset over the ocean already had me on skywatch overload, but facing away from the beach I was also being treated to a gorgeous moonrise!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. Oooh, what a lovely location. It's hard to find that old school beach vibe anymore. Most places have gone so corporate and expensive.

  2. Sunset is epic and surreal. The vendor has that spectacular outfit. So cool.

  3. Dearest Peter,
    Kudos to you both for taking in that stray dog and including it in a nice family get away at the beach.
    We both have been to San Diego many times, not to the beach though... I've celebrated my 50th B'day there and we went to the wedding of my twin–sis' (yep same Birthdays as friends!) son.
    Fond memories and also Pieter was a speaker at one of the North American Mushroom Conferences, held in San Diego.
    Happy pictures...

  4. I’ve only seen this area as part of a movie setting. So beautiful though. Thank you for personalizing this beautiful setting.

  5. ...nice photos of your little sweetie! That's my idea of a great place to see the sun set!

  6. What a fabulous location. I hope the developers never discover it.

  7. Beautiful captures! Have fun! Happy holidays!

  8. What a lovely beach. San Diego is always a good decision, imho.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  9. It looks like a wonderful place. We have vacationed in San Diego a couple times and really enjoy the city and it's laid back vibe.
    Lilly seems like such an enthusiastic good sport for anything.

  10. Wonderful photos. Love the colours, they are amazing and isn't it the best to have fun.
    We also have an Ocean Beach on our west coast, it's ruggered there.

  11. Gorgeous beach scenes. I'm glad you got to spend it with your GD, your wife and your new dog.

  12. You definitely had a good time in a beautiful place. 😊

  13. We called it O.B. when I lived there '77-'79. It's changed a little bit.

  14. I must enjoy seeing people watching the sunset almost as much as they enjoy watching the sunset. Strange, eh?

  15. Traumhafter Sonnenuntergang, das Wasser dazu - perfekte Stimmung!

  16. Looks like a lovely place with a beautiful beach. Great photos, super sunset, enjoy your weekend.

  17. Thank you for visiting The Doglady's Den. So glad to meet you and I LOVE your photos! ♥ My parents lived in San Diego for 40 years and it was my second home. Your post brings back a lot of memories. And you also have a rescue dog. We have that in common as well. Cheers!

  18. Oh, to see the sunset over the ocean! I wanted to shake the man who was staring at his phone while that beautiful sunset was in progress but I guess one man's treasure is another man's...oh well, a great time was had by you and your granddaughter, and that's all that counts.

  19. looks wonderful there
    Have a wonderful weekend

  20. Nice shots of the sunset and of course of your granddaughter. she is already becoming quite a lady.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  21. Great Sunsets, and what a LONG pier! Lilly sure adds to the shots. And as always a good visit. THANKS.

  22. I'm never bored by ocean view, with sunset, with moon, without anything - I love it!! Thanks a lot for this wonderful post, Peter.

  23. Your words about Ocean Beach and your photos make it sound so appealing! I was in the area when I visited San Diego late April of 1992. We may have driven by Ocean Beach as we took a coastal road from Shelter Island where we were staying, north to La Jolla and Oceanside.

  24. It looks like y'all are having great fun. I'll probably never get out west so appreciate these virtual travel opportunities. Such a beautiful view!

  25. Wow! Awesome place and gorgeous photos and Lily is a darling and love your new puppie ~ fun time for all ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. How wonderful to share your Ocean Beach getaway with your lovely Grandaughter. A wonderful sunset and your final image is alluring.

  27. Away from the desert for a few days! Hope you had a very pleasant stay.

  28. That looks a mighty long pier! Glorious final image of the sunset.

  29. Thanks for sharing your walk with us. That sunset looks wonderful :)

  30. What lovely photos. Looks like a wonderful time.

  31. Oh how beautiful it looks there. Your photos from the Ocean - and now I have desire ...

  32. It's easy to see from your beautiful photographs why that's such a popular destination. If it wasn't a hundred thousand miles from here, I might be tempted to visit.

    The highlight for me was a reference to "old seafood restaurant". Okay, that and the sunsets.


  33. Sounds like you and Lilly had a wonderful time exploring Ocean Beach! The photos of sunset and moonrise are beautiful.

  34. I missed this one, looks like your having a really good break there, beautiful sunset

  35. Your blog has become a virtual mentor, providing valuable insights on various topics.

  36. Top Shelf Photos - Well Done


  37. I think to myself what a beautiful thing to be on a beach where its warm.
