Thursday, December 5, 2024

More Coyotes

 This time I didn't see them, but I sure heard them! Turn up your volume, and then click play:
I was hiking on the trails while my granddaughter was at soccer practice, minding my own business. It's after dark, so I'm using a headlamp. You can see the soccer and baseball fields off in the distance. I hear a distant ambulance siren and all of a sudden I seem to be next to a bunch of coyotes!!
Did you know coyotes were called "song dogs" by Native Americans? According to Mr. Google, Coyotes have the most varied vocalizations of any mammal in North America. Coyotes can produce at least 11 different vocalizations, including barks, howls, growls, yelps, and greeting songs. They can be heard calling to each other at any time of day or night.
The headlamp lights things up nicely at night.
Thanks for stoppy by, and stay safe out there!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. ...your last image is spectacular!!!

  2. It's kinda scary to be out alone and hear them. I know one was spotted near my home, and we worry about small pets.

  3. That's beautiful! What a chorus! I hear them around here all the time. Just found a dead bobcat along the road near the vet clinic but also have seen coyotes in the field across from the clinic numberous mornings. I love your photos!

  4. I love their sound!!!!! gorgeous orange sky!

  5. (I won't be posting until tomorrow but commenting now). Some 40 years ago I lived in rural Arkansas and I used to hear coyotes a lot (a neighbor raised sheep and they were a big problem for him). It's so haunting when you hear it in person. Your audio sure brought back memories. I haven't heard them in so many years.

  6. There is a open space park next to my neighbirhood that has a trail in it called "Coyote Song." Very often I can hear coyotes in the nearby hills" singing" when I hike that trail! It is a bit eerie/ A few years ago our coyotes were decimated by mange, which sadly has led to more deer growth. They are an important part of the chain of life!

  7. What a great post and thank goodness you are safe! People here in Chicagoland can be alarmists when it comes to seeing coyotes, which I don't like. Superb last photo with the dramatic sky with the wispy cloud formation. I love how the contrail is so straight among the clouds.

  8. My sweetheart listened as I played the Coyotes, She said, "Yes, I remember them when we were hiking!" Thanks and always, we enjoy the pictures few or many..
    From a cool Florida..

  9. fascinating info about coyotes. love the setting sun

  10. There's a haunting quality to their sounds. I wonder what they are communicating to each other.

  11. Song dogs! I will never forget that. Thanks so much. I do remember the only time I ever heard them almost 40 years ago. Magical and thanks for your photos

  12. That’s quite a spooky encounter! The photos are amazing!

  13. We used to hear foxes every night at my native. Nowadays their presence is sparse due to degrading forest area

  14. One of the great things about growing up on a farm was listening to the night noises of coyotes, owls and other creatures. In town, I mostly just hear far off loud music or teenagers sounding their glass pack exhausts. Occasionally I still hear an owl usually in the early morning hours when most are still asleep. I miss the coyotes though because unlike foxes, they don't seem to get into town much.

  15. Seems like a terrifying experience to suddenly hear those coyotes right in your neighborhood without being able to see them.
    Your last photo is amazingly beautiful!

  16. My dog was sleeping in here. When I played the coyotes, she didn't move a muscle, saying to herself, no doubt: If I can't smell them, they're not real!

  17. Amazing sounds from the coyotes. The last photo is a beauty too.

  18. We hear them often, but rarely see them.

  19. I didn't know that about coyotes. We have hundreds of them living here in the urban city where I live. I saw one once in a back alley late at night on my way home. I was glad he was far enough way from me so I could get home before he decided to visit me, lol.

  20. Nature's wonderful 'music' ~ coyotes as long as they are not too close ~ Great photos and video ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. PS ~ my doggie was impressed with coyote sounds coming from the lap top ~ lol

  22. Song Dogs sounds sweet.
    Beautiful pics, too.

  23. Ignoro lo agresivos, que puedan ser. Yo sentiría miedo al escucharlo en la oscuridad de la noche.
    Me gusta tus fotografías, pero si tuviera que elegir me quedaría con la última fotografía
    Feliz fin de semana.

  24. That was an amazing recording. They were singing their heats out.

  25. Amazing voices the coyotes have, they definitely get your attention. Very nice last photo, it's a beauty.

  26. Such eerie sounds especially so close to suburbia.

  27. Querido amigo, bellísimas fotografías, son preciosas.
    No conozco el ruido que hacen los coyote, pero de noche escuchar ruidos extraño me daría miedo .
    Abrazos y te dejo un besito, que tengas un feliz día junto a la familia

  28. Wow, what an experience! Hearing coyotes so close would have freaked me out!
    I love that they’re called "song dogs"—such a cool fact!
    Nature sure knows how to keep us on our toes.
    Stay safe out there!

  29. Spectacular sky and coyote song!

  30. I love headlamps they allow me to do night hiking which I love. The song of coyotes sends chills up my spine but a barn owl screech really makes my toes curl.
    I live in an area surrounded by night sounds and this morning I heard a Barred Owl not far from my window.
    Coyotes love to sing to sirens.
    Thanks for this!

  31. Well I missed this one till now,I suppose you hear them but do not see them hanging around, a bit like our foxes. I do love that last photo

  32. Thank you for sharing and for your nice comment.
    I enjoyed reading, it's very interesting for me hear about Coyotes.

  33. I love to hear coyotes. Oddly, it's usually in the city. One time, on Halloween, we walked in the dark at a nature trail with no light. Coyotes surrounded us and started yipping and howling. It was scary and surreal. Just like your lunar landscape below. Season's greetings from Florida! Have a meaningful holiday and a happy new year!

  34. Your hike and attempt to capture December's "cold" moon sound like a true adventure! Nature certainly has its own timing, and it’s impressive that you waited so patiently despite the clouds' interference. It's those moments of perseverance and serendipity that often lead to the most stunning outcomes. The moonrise you eventually witnessed must have been breathtaking, and it’s a great reminder to be patient and savor the moment.
