Thursday, February 6, 2025

First Rain in a Long Time!

I took a walk in our local hills after our first rain in what seems like forever. Just a light sprinkle earlier in the morning, which had stopped about an hour before I started walking. The skies were mostly grey and monotone, so I helped things alone a bit by converting everything to b&w. I always enjoy b&w photography, and it takes me back to when I used to shoot b&w film and develop and print it myself. I think younger people who only know digital photography missed out!

Yin and yang.

Uh oh! Just a few minutes after taking this photo I got wet!

More rain predicted for the next couple days. That's good, we need it!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. ...rain can be a welcomed gift, enjoy it.

  2. Beautiful full of atmosphere, I never developed mine I sent them away to be done

  3. A beautiful environment and nature
    Here at home so it snows and rains sometimes we have a lot of ice now on the roads

  4. Interesting how much detail can be seen in black and white photos--very Ansel Adams vibes! I hope you get more well neede rain soon. Happily, Colorado has a good portionof snow this winter which has been a blessing, and hopefully we will get more.

  5. Great photos, B&W is great at showing tones.
    There is nothing like rain after a long dry period.

  6. These skies were perfect for B&W photography. My grown son learned B&W film developing in his sleepaway camp and enjoyed it. Memories. Enjoy your rain.

  7. I wish you rain without flooding. B&W photos are a flashback for sure! Love the shades of gray in these photos.

  8. I love black and white photography. My best friend used to develop her own film too. I was always fascinated how the pictures came out. You have some lovely pictures here.

  9. You have such a great eye! Look at that yin yang

  10. My father had a darkroom in our basement and we learned how to develop film. When I moved to Alaska I took slides because the film was cheaper. I could chose which slide I wanted to print to picture. Instead I lost almost all photos from that time. B and W photos can look so dramatic. I love weather and sky BW's especially.

  11. Superb definition and dimension seen in the clouds of the sky! The B&W photos have a splendid range of tones as well. I'm praying for snowfall here. :-) Have a great weekend!

  12. Sorry about that anonymous post above. I cleared out my cookies recently.

  13. Wonderful landscapes, and yes, the B&W shows so many details.

  14. I love your black and white beauties. My favorite is the dark clouds with rain coming down.

  15. I took photography in high school, and we shot on black and white film and developed it ourselves. It was fun. Actually, they were still teaching photography that way up until about ten years ago. (I covered a few photo classes in my time.) Maybe longer? But not much. I'm enjoying the rain, too.

  16. Great monochromes. Love the rain shafts. Here the summer rains are predicted to start from mid April.

  17. super post. As a person who has taken far more pictures in B&W film and color slides than digital, I can understand what you say. But today's software when used well is like having a darkroom you can use anytime. That and the expense would prevent my ever going back.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. These are good. I sometimes convert, and I usually like the results. Can’t log in today. /AC

  20. Congratulations on the rain although we would like to do with a little less in the Netherlands If only we could trade a little weather. By the way nice pictures again a little landscape exchange would be nice too.

  21. Good to know you received some rain! I see the beauty in your black and white photos and I am sure they were beautiful too before converting them from being monotone. I just learned this week to find the beauty in monotone while we were experiencing polar, grey days here in Calgary.

  22. It must feel good to see those dark clouds and their rain coming closer, I imagine. Enjoy!

  23. I still remember those days. I would insert a roll of B & W film, go outside and suddenly find myself wasting 24 exposures because the colors were really beautiful and I wanted a roll of color in my camera.

  24. Rain is so important. Great photos :-D

  25. Se agradece la lluvia. Viene muy bien para la Naturaleza, la especie humana y los animales que habita en ella.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  26. Brooding clouds and the seepage of rain about to come in the "uh oh" photo is particularly lovely.

  27. I love those clouds in black and white!

  28. I love black and white phots, I rarely see them anymore.

  29. I still love BW photos and yours are very dynamic ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores ~
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. Black and white images are a favorite of mine. Dynamic storm clouds stand out in B/W format.

  31. So glad you got some much needed rain! Gorgeous photos. I love B & W photos. Everything seems so dramatic.

  32. Makes me think of the first "camera" I created from a shoebox and how I had to develop the film after "shooting" with it. :-)

  33. I like these b & w photos especially the one of rain in the distance.

  34. Great b/w photos, they look fantastic. We get plenty of rain and could use a bit less. Have a wonderful week.

  35. I read this and admired the depth and textures of the last shot and...thought I had commented. Apparently not!
    Fantastic scenery, you manage to make the desert magical with your camera.

  36. Amazing monochrome photos, Skies stunning.

  37. Well, I am old, I developed film, too (in a school project). Yay for rain. And on a (cold but) sunny day b&w ain´t too bad.

  38. Glad to hear you are getting rain. Wonderful photos as always!!

  39. North Queensland has had metres of it fall in the last 10 days. What a shame they can't share it with California. I love these black and white images.

  40. I like the one right before you got wet best!

  41. I rather like rain when it behaves itself and doesn't get too enthusiastic about flooding everyone.

  42. Let's hope this rain will help in the coming season.
    Beautiful black and white views. Happy Monday!

  43. Wonderful photos! I did a black & white photography course which ended up just being a workshop for developing the film and printing the photos, but it was fun :)

  44. These are great. There is something about black and white and heavy clouds. It seems to add another dimension to the clouds. It's been a very, very long time since I developed and printed my own photos. But, I still remember the smell of the dark room.

  45. Beautiful photos. I remember working in the darkroom in college. We only had access to it for one semester.

  46. Your black-and-white photos beautifully captured the mood of the first rain! There's something timeless about B&W photography, it strips away distractions and lets the textures and contrasts shine. I love how you described the anticipation of rain and the unexpected surprise of getting wet! Hopefully, the coming rain brings some much-needed refreshment to the landscape.

  47. Beautiful shots. I think black and white work helps you to see images differently. I look for shapes and contrast that I might miss if I hadn’t done black-and-white. I remember working in the darkroom. It was magical.
