Sunday, January 30, 2011

Copper Mountain

Drove out to 29 this weekend.  Got off to a rough start, however... realized I left my camera at home once we got here.  Dang!

Wife and I decided to drive up to the top of Copper Mountain, which is just the other side of Hwy 62 from where our place is.  Beware - this is a pretty tough road.  Very rocky and some very steep area.  I almost turned around at one point; didn't want to beat up the Jeep too badly!  However, views from the top are spectacular, so we forged ahead!

Fortunately, my wife brought her little Kodak point-and-shoot.  She's a very good photographer... she has a much better eye for artistic composition than I do. 

My sister over at Lap Dog Knits blogspot got me started looking at Flickr... incredible pics, and every photo group imaginable.  I ran across one group called "Flare Friday" and posted a photo that my wife had taken (told you she's good!):
Yours truly - Cottonwood Spring, Joshua Tree National Park
So now our running joke is we keep trying to take "flare" photos.  It's very hit-and-miss (mostly miss).  Here's one on the road up to the top of Copper Mountain.
The road up.

No flare here, but view looking due North from the top of Copper Mountain.  That's the 29 Palms Marine Base on the horizon.
Looking North from the top of Copper Mountain

Last one for this post... got some things I need to get to before our drive home.  My wife took this one from our back porch this AM.
Sunrise flare


  1. Pretty photos! How bad is the road? We have a Nissan XTERRA (NOT 4-wheel drive). Have you been out to Font's Point in Anza Borrego? We were there last weekend with a photography class. That's 4 miles of dry wash road, ONLY for high clearance or 4 wheel drive vehicles, but the view is spectacular

  2. Great flare pics...I like the first one the best...almost heavenly.
    The view looks like it was well worth the drive, any other people out driving the road enjoying the weekend?

  3. Thanks for the comments. You definitely need 4WD for the Copper Mountain Road. I would love to check out Font's Point and will do a little research to learn more. Not many people use the road... had it all to ourselves :-}
