Thursday, September 19, 2013

No Livestock Allowed!!

I think if I were a cow, I would find this sign offensive!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.  Click on the link to check out great skies from all over the world!


  1. Brooding sky!
    Have a wonderful week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

  2. Yep, I can see where that fence row might not be much help containing the livestock. Nice image.

  3. LOL. And what a gorgeous sky!

  4. hahaha! There's a sign the neighbors have that say SLOW BIRD CROSSING! hahaha! Beautiful sky pic.

  5. Funny sign and a beautiful sky! Have a great weekend!

  6. Looks like a dune landscape. Great landscape shot again.

  7. You take things too personal. :)

  8. Well, depending on the punctuation the sign is telling livestock to keep out OR keep out, livestock rule here. In any event, this is a fine image. The diagonals of the roads and wire fence lead your eye well into the picture -- up to those ;ow hanging clouds and beautiful sky. But, of course, the enigmatic sign placed right in the foreground makes this picture a winner. Kudos!

  9. Not sure just why the livestock would want to go in there anyway.

  10. Nice sign - I often smile when I see signs here that say "Injured WIldlife Call 0154XXXX" - we live in a remarkable place, but wombats dotn carry phones!

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  11. Thanks for the smile!!! That would have been funny for the Signs Signs meme too (if people caught on to it).

  12. Great photo and fun point of view, nothing like seeing day treckers wandering into live stock enclosures and getting all confused about the attitude to drop in visitors

  13. Dearest Spare Parts and Pics;
    Haha, I think so, too♬♬♬ Lovey picture of the sky; great to see the clouds seems gathering towards the center!!!
    So sorry for my belated comment.  And thank you very much for your visit♬♬♬
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  14. Hmm, cows can't read... perhaps the sign should have a QR code so that the cow could hold up a smart phone that reads the code and then uses an app to speak the text to them in cow language!

    Anyway, that's a great sky!

  15. doesn't look very inviting anyway with the dead grass, but the sky is beautiful!

  16. The sign adds much to an already beautiful photo, esp how it sits in the foreground. Love the low-hanging, broody clouds. Absolutely gorgeous - I can feel myself hiking along this deserted road, and I love that feeling of adventure!
