Thursday, October 12, 2017

Smoky Skies

Pretty skies, but at a heavy, heart-breaking cost. According to the news, something like 17 wildfires were burning in California early this week. The closest to my family is the Canyon Fire 2 in the Anaheim Hills area (about 15 miles as the crow flies from my house). We are in no danger, and thankfully, no loss of life (although significant loss of structures) from the Canyon Fire 2. Not the case for the fires burning in the Santa Rosa and wine country area. These fires sound devastating, and my heart goes out to those folks.

I picked up my granddaughter at school on Monday afternoon, and it was obvious there was a fire in the area.

We went over to our local park, where the views of the sky were more dramatic. I really didn't plan on taking any photos (I had promised to take my granddaughter to the park after school, and kids have a really good memory for that sort of thing!), but I couldn't resist as I saw the smoke slowly move across the sky and even start to obscure the sun. All photos taken on my iPhone.

 The Santa Ana winds were very gusty... hang on to your hat!

 Life goes on under smoky skies. Look closely and you can see sand traps, golf carts and golfers. There is a golf course right next to the park.

Even the geese and ducks seemed to be wondering what was going on with this strange sky!

Looking down... but perhaps should have been looking up??

Stay safe out there!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Click on the link to check out great skies from around the world.
Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Horrible fires--- What a time! Pictures are amazing, so some good came of the one near you. I especially like the last one here--- it looks like a strange, forbidding statue-- till the eye spots your granddaughter! I love it!

  2. Scary skies. Having been through terrible wildfires in my city my heart breaks for all the people affected in California.

  3. Such devastating news and I assume the smoke is bound to have an effect on Joshua Tree in the same way the LA pollution does We have a friend in Santa Rosa; she is safely evacuated -- and so far at least yesterday) her neighborhood was not damaged. I could not believe how fast a fire could move. So frightening.

  4. Beautifully captured but sad to read.

  5. Devastating... Those smoky skies are quite apocalyptic looking but do look amazing.

  6. Do not understand why this happens every year. I would never live in that area.

  7. Great photos. Some of them were heartbreaking with loss of life.

  8. Breathtaking and tragic skies. It must smell of smoke and fire everywhere. The shot of your granddaughter crouching down in shadow looks almost apocalyptic. I'm glad you're safe, I hope you stay that way.

  9. Well we had an oil fire last week near Mumbai which caused BLack Rain the next day. Luckily this was a rare occurrence. But I know that fires in your part of the world are pretty common .... great skies but at what cost !

  10. Sad to read :( Amazing pics.
    Thanks a lot for sharing.

  11. oh not good, sad to read, I hope everyone is ok.

  12. Wonderful colors on a scary sky!

  13. So much drama in the skies! A fire is a terrible thing to happen anywhere. The shots look awesome though! Hope everyone was safe.

  14. It all looks apocalyptic. I've been following the fires closely as I have friends in Santa Rosa who've been evacuated. They and their property are OK last I heard.

  15. Oh my, what a disaster. Glad that you are safe.

  16. A terrible thing ( sure hope it wasn't arson ) to of happened in such a prosperous ( wine growing ) region, quite sad to hear an ancient ( he was 100! and she was 98) couple to of died together in the fires :'( Great images though and thanks for sharing :)

  17. Hello, my thoughts and prayers are will all the wildfire victims in California. The wine country fire is devastating. I am glad you are safe, the smoke looks close. Your granddaughter is adorable. I love the last shot looking up at her on the slide. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  18. Wow....dramatic, sad, and yet beautiful. Your park photos are wonderful...they really paint a picture "with a 1000 words"

  19. Wonderful captures of the amazing skies created by the sad fires ~ my heart energy goes out to those people and animals effected ~

    A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. ahhhhhh

    My BIL and his wife live in Napa...have taken refuge with friends south. Ick, and very sad

  21. Sad but the photos are amazing. Can't believe they were taken with your iPhone (mine doesn't take such good photos, lol :)
    Have a great weekend, Nadja

  22. We are lucky over here in the UK as we don't tend to get the aweful fires like you do there, worst we had was a fire over in some woods not that far from where I live. Mostly we have heath fires.

  23. It's so sad reading about these fires and seeing the news. It's unreal the photos can be so beautiful yet at the same time the situation is terrible. Beauty and the beast comes to mind. Stay safe.

  24. Beautiful photos of an ugly thing. I'm so glad you and your family are safe...I can't wrap my brain around the horror happening in Northern California. Here's hoping we all stay safe through this terrible fire season...

  25. I´m glad you and yours are safe ane hope ypu will be in the future as well. Teh world is strange now. The world is strange now so many fires and the opposite, floodings, going on :(

  26. The fires are truly horrific. Glad you are and your family are safe. Your granddaughter is so cute!

  27. Folks in Montana can relate to the smoky skies, but not the loss of life that is being experienced in California. Our prayers are with all those who have lost someone, or worse yet, are waiting to hear about those who are missing.

  28. Spectacular photos, but very scary. I have read some heartbreaking stories about these fires. I'm glad you are safe.

  29. They do present some nice photo ops, but such a sad and terrible reality for us out here in fire country.
    We've seen smoke from 6 fires this season. The two you mention in this post, two within a couple of miles from us, and two that were less than a mile, and we could see the flames. Really scary stuff. I know that many fires are created naturally, but the ones that are the result of arson, but make me sick. It's time to make the penalties much for severe.
    Some of these photos are spectacular Pete!

  30. The young firefighter who died in the water truck accident was one of my 4th grade students at Mecca Elementary School. His truck went off the road on the Oakville Grade (a VERY winding road) at 6:45 a.m. He was probably exhausted from fighting the fires there. Such a tragic loss. RIP "Taco", Garrett Paiz. I remember him well...He was only 38 years old.

  31. Wow - you got some amazing shots! Glad to hear your camera and foot were okay.

  32. Devastating. We don't have wildfires here (very, very rarely). Whenever I heard about them in California or in Australia, I think how hard it is to control them....
    Your captures are beautiful.
