Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Day at the Beach

Lilly hasn't been to the beach in a long time, so we were overdue. With no particular obligation to hold us back, we drove down to Huntington Beach this last Sunday. We were unaware we were driving right into one of the biggest events of the year! The US Open of Surfing was underway south of the pier, and the crowds were out in force.

It was fun to see the surf photographers out with their "big glass"... 400mm, 600mm, even 800mm super-telephoto lenses.

I think this couple wins the prize for most gear. Each had two high-end camera bodies and multiple telephoto lenses dangling from various harnesses. Considering that a Canon 600mm telephoto lens is $10,000, that's a huge amount of $$$ these two are sporting!

Sea shells down by the sea shore...
Lilly seemed oblivious to the whole surf competition thing going on, and wanted nothing more than to collect sea shells!

And here's something you don't see every day. The city of Huntington Beach has mounted police. Pretty cool!

Lilly wanted me to bury her legs in the sand and make her look like a mermaid. I'm afraid my artistic abilities weren't up to the task, but fun times anyway, and a great day at the beach!

If things go as planned, I'll be driving out to Joshua Tree on Thursday for a night hike, and driving home Friday. My apologies if I don't get a chance to visit your blog.
Linking with Skywatch Friday.

Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Too many people at that beach to please me. I like how children don't focus on the other activities around them and just enjoy those things that catch their attention.

  2. Lilly is quite caught up in her own interests!

  3. It was great to see Lily playing away in the sand totally oblivious to all the adults doing their thing, lol. The camera gear on the couple is huge. I'd be so afraid to lose it let along carry it around due to the weight of it all.

  4. Looks like she had fun despite the surfing crowd. Lots of $ in those camera lens!

  5. Kudos to Lilly for ignoring all the hoopla and having fun in her own quiet way.

  6. You're going to Joshua Tree in August?!? Good luck. Stay cool.

    I remember when the surf competition is because it's always around my birthday. The traffic on PCH is crazy. I wonder if that couple were pro photographers, shooting for some surf magazine.

  7. I'd say Seashell Suzy is probably having the most fun. :-)

  8. Wow, that would be great to see. I've been to several PGA and US Open Golf competitions at our Southern Hills golf club and I love seeing the pros with their big glass and cameras. Of course, spectactors are not even allowed cell phones, let alone cameras.

    I'm glad your granddaughter is so into nature and oblivious to sports events. She has her whole life to learn about such things.

  9. Always wonderful to visit the beach. Lilly had a fun day by the look of your great photos.

  10. it is nice to even know a good camera. I had a fair Nikon 35mm and never learned to do more than point and shoot. Now I do want a better digital cam.
    Glad you guys had a chance to enjoy the beach.
    Sherry & jack

  11. these are great photos! I think most of us would love Lily's idea of a day at the beach -- collecting seashells and burying our legs in sand! Happy weekend!

  12. Yes I love those enthusiastic photographers and kids. Beautiful pictures

  13. I am with Lilly looking for shells (they make awesome mosaics!)! I wasn't even on the beach, but had a sunburn when in Southern Calif (Haven;t had one for a decade at least(.
    Glad you guys had fun at the beach:)

  14. How fortuitous! I think Lily got her beach time and you got to photograph something really fun too.

    Have you heard the news that due to computer glitch during the Amazon Prime days, telescopic lenses and camera accessories typically costing at least 4K sold for under 100 bucks? I wish I was shopping that day.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  15. I love pics #5 & #7. Very photojournalist style and I´m sucker for good documentary photography. Very nice indeed, superb!

  16. ....Muscheln suchen ist für Kinder einfach interessanter!

  17. Both the cop and the horse appear to be overgrazing... And that cowboy hat!!! Well, on to better thoughts---- The monochrome of Lilly is absolutely dyn o mite.

  18. Looking like one of the photographers was sporting a Nikon strap on his camera but they are just as expencive as Canon if not more so. Lilly was doing what most little kids would do and just haveing fum, who cares about a compitition. I agree the Monochrome is the one

  19. That's quite a pier! And that couple certainly have what looks like some expensive gear.

  20. Nice beach photos. I think my favourite is the girls under the bridge. :) ... And I can just feel the weight of all that photo gear... (I prefer a camera that I can just slip into my pocket!)

  21. Great shots and that one under the pier very nice. Like them as always.

  22. With my my bad back, I could never handle the gear of that couple! That was a fun time - I could wish I had mountains and beaches with shells within miles of each other.

  23. I would love some 'big glass' for birding ... but after paying 30k for my motorcycle last year, I think Dina would have a coronary.

  24. Hello, wonderful photos of the beach, I like the pier. Cute photos of Lilly, I like looking for seashells too. Fun times with the family! Enjoy your Friday, happy weekend!

  25. Awesome pics :) Lovely pics of Lilly :) Happy Weekend.

  26. What fun pictures!


  27. great day at the beach,nice pier

  28. You can spend thousands of dollars on cameras, or you can collect sea-shells. I'd be with Lilly.

  29. Lilly has the right idea, fun at the beach doing her thing. Lovely photos!

  30. Looks like it was a perfect day for Lilly to always remember :)

  31. These Are Terrific But I Am So Looking Forward To Your Joshua Tree Adventure - What An Amazing Location


  32. Those are great photos! I love the black and white. How fun to be at the beach!!

  33. I was on the beach this last weekend too. My friend who arrived their a few days before me actually went to Huntington beach during the week at the beginning of the competition and she got some great photos with her iPhone. My beach time was spent at Crystal Cove. We were staying at Newport Coast and they shuttle us over there. Mostly, I just like getting out of the heat for a few days.

  34. Just a fun post----glad the beach was enjoyed with the added bonus of surfing competition. I wouldn't want to pack all that gear around---I'm with Lily---let me find seashells

  35. I was the kid picking up shells too. Still am. You managed to get shots that didn't even look that crowded. Room for everyone on that beach.

  36. Funny to see the horse on the beach!

  37. I’ve often seen those giant lenses and wondered, how much? Never guessed $10,000! Lilly has the right ideas for enjoying the beach. Maybe you can let her make you into a mermaid next time!

  38. Lilly will grow up all too soon and be distracted by all sorts of things, so I am glad to hear that for right now she is being a kid, which she should do. Love the black and white photo. Who needs all that fancy equipment when you have your talent?

  39. Siempre me han gustado las fotos del mar.Encuentro ese muelle con un gran atractivo fotográfico.
    Es hermoso ver como los niños disfrutan del mar.

  40. That beach may be crowded but it looks very beautiful. It gives me the feeling when I was at Pismo Beach, CA by the pier, very relaxing.

  41. Not so crowded if you can find space to bury your little mermaid and for her to dig for shells. I love the Pacific ?Coast.

  42. The ? in my comment above was a slip of the stylus. I know where you are )) ... and thank you for sharing!

  43. I do so miss Huntington Beach and my teenage glory days with friends there. Sigh.
    Glad you folks had fun!
