Thursday, May 13, 2021

Desert Moon

 I usually plan my hikes to end shortly after sunset. The desert light is just so beautiful when the shadows get long and the mountains pick up that golden color on the peaks. Not to mention the beautiful sunsets. But it's always a balancing act. Finish your hike too soon, you miss the best light. Finish your hike to late and you will be hiking back to your car in the dark wearing a headlamp.
On this particular hike, Mitch, Roger and I pretty much nailed it. This was near the end of our hike and the mountain ridges had already turned from gold to purple. Mitch and Roger almost disappear into the creosote bushes. Where we were hiking was in total shadow, but the far horizon was still bathed in the last light of the day. And although it was close, we managed to get back to our cars without the use of headlamps. This photo was taken at 6:47PM on 2/26/21. But let me rewind the clock by about 20 minutes...
6:27PM: Golden light on the Coxcomb mountains

More golden light. It's amazing how quickly the quality of light changes this time of day... from flat, to long shadows, to golden, to purple, to dark, all in about 30 minutes.
Even in b&w, the late afternoon light on the peaks makes for an interesting photo. Check out the peak at the top, just a little left of center. Does anyone else see a face looking left? Perhaps the person is wearing sunglasses, long sloping nose and a frown? A little Nixon-esque? No?? OK, just my imagination (runnin' away with me).
A big bonus on this hike was the rise of the full moon! We hadn't planned for it, so looking off to the east and seeing this big guy rising above the mountains was a real treat. So glad I brought my telephoto lens. This photo was taken at 6:40PM.
Four minutes later (6:44PM) and the moon is a little higher.
Five minutes later (6:49PM), and higher still.

If you overlay these images, it's easy to see that the moon does not rise in a straight vertical line, but rather, at an angle. At least, that's our view from planet Earth!
Moonset (8:00AM the next morning)
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Beautiful moon shots -- and an ianteresting way to illustrate the rising pattern. The light just before sundown is amazing on the desert! Thanks for rewinding" and showing it to us.

  2. Those are some fabulous shots of the moon. Nothing compares to the night sky in the desert.

  3. timing your departure sounds like an intricate dance - which had gorgeous results!

  4. I had wondered how you get those golden hour shots, considering there's nothing out there if you're hiking at night.

  5. ...your neck of the woods has a special beauty, it is unlike anything that I've seen. Thanks!

  6. The moon is always a bonus. It looks like you're on Mars!

  7. As good as your mountain pics are, the moon photos stole the show (stole is a word in Oklahoma, just so you know). Spectacular shots.

  8. The evening skies give it a different contrast especially with the moon up in the sky.

  9. These had a wonderful effect on me thank you. Yes I recently become aware that the sun does not set straight down either but at a similar slant

  10. Beautiful Moon shots but I specially like the golden hour shots. Thanks for the travelogue

  11. What a magical light over mountains. I too yearn for landscape shoot post rains when skies lit up with vivid colours

  12. It remains beautiful, that desert under all conditions . So far from our normal existence. The only thing I have trouble with is 3 moons in the sky but yes. That's possible these days too.

  13. Hello,
    Love the moon photos, beautiful captures. Have a happy weekend!

  14. Beautiful colors, and ohhhh, the moon, perfect!
    My Dad would love your three-moon-pic!
    Beautiful, thank you again for sharing all the beauty!

  15. Great pictures of your sunset. Here sunset is already as late as 20:46, with a long, long twilight before it gets truly dark.

  16. I did see the Face. Well spotted!

  17. Love the desert and your photos are outstanding

  18. Stunning photos, it certainly get dark there quickly

  19. Great shots! The moon images are absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

  20. All wonderfully creative sunset and moon shots ~ Good timing ~ Awesome ~ thanks Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. Nicely done with overlay picture. Thank you for sharing.

  22. As I've said before, it's always a delight to see a new post from you!

  23. Amazing! Thank you So Much. 💙

  24. Sometimes I fee we are blessed to recognize the light in the way we do.

  25. Spectacular sunset from your hike. Thank you for sharing these beautiful shots with us. Love the beautiful moon shots too.

  26. Hello, moon-multiplier, I wish you a happy weekend!

  27. You Totally Nailed It - The High Desert Here Also Offers Amazing Opportunities For Sunrise Or Sunset Moments In Time - Always Enjoy Your Perspective There Spare Parts - Be Well And Keep On Keeping On


  28. Greetings and Salutations! Glad you got back to the car before dark. Have a nice week end. Be safe.

  29. Las luces del atardecer son fabulosa y no hay que perdérselas. Luego cuando la oscuridad de la noche penetra en esos bellos paisajes, lo mejor es irse a casa, ya que no se puede caminar en la oscuridad.

  30. Gorgeous color! and the moonrise over that landscape made for wonderful photos.

  31. Some really great images there.

  32. these are beautiful. i want to do some desert hiking. those full moon pictures are awesome.

  33. Gorgeous sunset photos! I like the creative moon shots.

  34. Wow the beauty of the desert. Those full moon shots are fantastic!

  35. You continue to impress me every week.
