Thursday, January 12, 2023

Clark Park

 I had no plans to go to Clark Park, which is a local neighborhood park near my Orange County home. It was one of those cloudy days where the sky was constantly changing, so I was headed for the old oil property, where I have hiked many times over the years. The property is fenced off, but there are many places where the fence is down, and no one seems to mind if you hike the property. That is until recently. On this occassion, I noticed the fence openings had all been repaired. Oh noooo!!! Makes me wonder why, and what the plans are. I'm sure going to miss my hikes in this area if it's developed.

So Plan B. Clark Park is just across the street, and while it doesn't offer much of a hiking experience, there are a couple spots with pretty views. Let's go take a look!
Sky drama!
Steps heading up...

Steps heading down.
Clark Park offers a pretty good work out, if you so desire!

It's obvious these park denizens have been fed by humans. I sat down at a picnic table to get my camera out and they came right up to me.
I didn't know this "lake" was stocked with bass. I hesitate to call it a lake. It's more like a large concrete pool, a uniform 2-3' deep throughout.

Seems like the wrong time of year, but found some flowers along the way!
This pathway follows the perimeter of the park.

Pretty sky. Sorry about the dumpster!

See the sand hills in the background (center, slight right)? That's the oil property where I had planned to hike. I'm fortunate to have Clark Park so close to my house. 

Nice viewpoint.
Thanks for stopping by, and hope you enjoyed these pretty skies!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. It may have only been the local park but you took some dam nice photos with lots of atmosphere to them. Just because the fence is repair does not mean they are going to start development there, no doubt some one will find a way in

  2. What a cute little park. And with the stormy weather, the skies have certainly been dramatic.

  3. Dearest Peter,
    WOW, those skies are dramatic and making your photos into poetry paintings.
    No doubt I would call that a lake...!
    Those steps are for those able bodied and fit—not so for heart patients.
    But it is in incredible surroundings.

  4. ...this looks like my kind of place.

  5. amazing skies - looks like a bad storm is coming - I like the park - btw is that a spotted squirrel? It looks similar to a squirrel but slightly different from the ones I see

  6. Beautiful pictures. Love the changing sky.

  7. Have never been to this park. Love your second and third views! How is Orange County - no flooding there? Be safe! Emille (Jesh)

  8. Nice park to have across the street from your house.

  9. Sad. Reads like Australia 1999 when suddenly it was "bad for nature" when you stayed over night on a rest area. We were forced to an expensive campground (but found an old, empty airstrip :-)...)

    Love especially the first pic! And the one with the old fence. The sky looks really great in also the last pic.
    Sad when everything is fenced, though, stairs etc...
    But it´s like with navis... We don´t think much anymore, machines, stairs and fences do that for us.

    Sorry, I didn´t want to end on a negative note!
    Great pics, and awwwww, flowers! Can´t wait for Spring!

  10. Wow! Beautiful pictures. I like those grumpy clouds

  11. Critters are always an agreeable view. One really can do a good workout in this park. Happy weekend!

  12. I am gobsmacked by those pictures. The clarity, the lighting, the composition. Wow!

  13. You have the amazing finesse in photography. It shows in your gallery!

  14. What a lovely park with some beautiful scenery. You took wonderful photos.

  15. Its something completely different from your desert photo's but again executed in perfection. I like it.

  16. This is a very beautiful park. All the sky views, nature photos, colourful flowers are beautiful...

  17. That sky! It keeps stealing the show!

  18. What a beautiful place ~ and great photos ~ looks like Spring there ~ Wonderful header photo Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. It's not a typical 'sparepartsandpics' post, Peter. I'm not used to seeing all the green and the coloured flowers here, but I like it.
    It's too bad the old oil property is no longer accessible. I hope you some other alternatives.

  20. What a beautiful place to live so close to. Great skies and landscape, well done!

  21. Maybe your plan B, but you got beautiful dramatic skies. Enjoyed the bird and flowers, too.

  22. Wow, you are lucky to have Clark Park so close. A great place to get out even if for a short hike. Some of those. photos today are really dramatic with the clouds. Nice.

  23. Hello Peter, thank you for visiting my blog, even if the comment didn't work out. Unfortunately, that happens more often with my visitors from abroad. Even if you couldn't walk the path you had imagined, you brought wonderful pictures with you. I like the area very much.
    Kind regards - Elke from Germany

  24. Yo Brother Parts, What A Delightful Turn Of Events - And So Lush And Green For Obvious Circumstances - Stay Rowdy


  25. Beautiful sky photos! Lovely flowers!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. Wow what an amazing place you show and your photos are wonderful. The flowers are so colourful - here in Germany it's grey and rainy ... not so colourful at the moment,

  27. Beautiful captures all! Loved your header.

  28. The sky was definitely cooperating that day! Beautiful clouds! The blooms are nice to see since ours have been gone for several months now.

  29. nice place to have in your vicinity.

  30. Sorry about losing access to the old oil property. It seems like here that a lot of previously unposted private property that lots of people liked to hike and bike on is now posted. I always respect no tresspassing signs.
    The public park was not a bad alternative. Great photos.

  31. It's actually pretty cool that there's a park like that near where you live, since lots of people would be unable to do the JT hikes you do; just anything to get outdoors is wonderful even if the lake is a "cement pond". And the sky is beautiful wherever you are through your eyes and camera!! Those flowers! California has had such crazy weather this year, no wonder they are confused. I'm glad you seem to have escaped the worst of it in your corner (??). I hope the development at the old oil property doesn't happen too soon.

  32. Beautiful skies! The flowers are very beautiful too!

  33. Oh wow - I'm in love with that first photo - it's done in sepia? Beautiful. Great photos today!
