Thursday, June 15, 2023

Tropical Vacation

 We are definitely not in the desert! Think hula girls and leis. We took granddaughter Lilly to Waikiki last week. My wife and I have been to Hawaii many times over the years but it's been a long time since our last visit. We still remember the time we took our adult children to Hawaii when they were the age Lilly is now (about 10): A few days in Maui, a few days in Kauai, and a couple days in Waikiki. To our surprise they were bored in Maui and Kauai, but absolutely loved Waikiki! They loved the beaches, surfing, shopping, fun things to do and see, etc., etc. OK, lesson learned. Let's take Lilly to Waikiki for a week. It wouldn't be my first choice (or second) but Lilly will love it!
Perhaps the highlight of our trip... I had to shorten this video in order to post it, but this was a loooooog ride! As the surfers say, "Dude, we were stoked!" So much fun to see Lilly riding the waves in Waikiki. She was fearless, and liked it so much she took a second day of lessons and is now in the market for a surfboard. But I guess I should start at the beginning...
For my Skywatch friends... we took Hawaiian Airlines out of Terminal B (LAX). This huge window at the end of the terminal had this sky painted or somehow affixed to the glass. It was a very cool effect because you can still see through the window, but at the same time, it gives the impression you are looking out at these beautiful clouds. In reality, it was a foggy overcast morning.

We had a mixed city view/ocean view from our hotel balcony.
Lilly took this photo while floating on her donut. The beach was right across the street from our hotel. This part of the beach had a breakwall, so no waves. Like a giant saltwater swimming pool!
There was a concrete pier directly across from our hotel. A fun place to drink our morning coffee and eat a little breakfast. We met a nice retired gentleman who lives in the area and feeds the birds here every morning. He gave Lilly some bread so she could give it a try.
Now that Lilly is a surfer, we had to take her photo in front of King Kamhameha!
Another highlight from the trip: Taking Lilly on the Diamond Head Crater trail. I hadn't hiked it in years. Lots of steps and uneven surfaces, but if you can manage, it's a wonderful hike!
Lots of steps!
An old bunker (Diamond Head was used by the military during WW2).
Spiral steps
You pass through a number of tunnels.
More steps... 
And more tunnels!

But finally the payoff... the BEST views of Waikiki of anyplace on the island!
Our week in Waikiki was almost over. As much as I was looking forward to getting back home, I sure was going to miss these tropical skies and beautiful beaches!

Go Lilly, go!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. What a great adventure! I would love to go to Hawaii, but we live too far away.

  2. Looks like you all had a fantastic time, mind you if it were me I'd be exploring everything too.

  3. You really showed me the parts of Hawaii which I have yet seen before. Thanks to your fantastic compositions.

  4. ...there are no two ways about it., Hawaii is a magical place.

  5. What a wonderful holiday for the whole family. Beautiful Hawaii

  6. Gorgeous Hawaiian skies and loved the fake airport skies. Wow … what a brave girl Lilly is … fantastic video of her on the board. Also, a lucky girl to have such cool grandparents! Plus, you outdid yourself with the new header. :)

  7. Quite a geographical jump from your recent posts. From exploratory to luxury.

  8. Well Aloha! Sounds and seems like a great place to visit. Fantastic set of photos, as per usual. Great new header image too. 👍👍

  9. Wow! great place for hangout. Hope you enjoyed the humid weather too :-)

  10. That's great, Awesome series of pics. Greetings

  11. More great memories for her-- and for you! I would think the humidity would get to you.

  12. Lilly is a brave heart and complete adventurer like her granpa.

    What a gorgeous vacation with the grandkids.

    I have been missing the ocean/sea. It's been 8 months but feels like a lifetime. Lol!
    City dwellers who are nature lovers, need to get away to these climes as often as we can.

    Thanks for suggesting Waikiki. Will add it in my list of places to see. :) Amen!

    Happy rest of the week, Peter.

  13. A great place for a holiday - if you're young and active anyway. Times change - I was happy with a day on the beach in Hunstanton when I was that age; no surfing but there were ex-army amphibious vehicles that took you for a ride out to see the seals on the sandbars.

  14. That was a great vacation!!
    I am so glad I passed by today. : ))

  15. Well, that's a change from the desert!

    Outstanding images of the trip! You created some wonderful memories.

    Keep a picture of the ocean in your pocket so when you're trekking up a rock in the middle of the Mojave you can pull it out for some visual relief.

    Thank you for sharing your special vacation with us.

  16. Lilly is a pro on that surfboard! Three beaches in HI made the top 10 beaches this year. I'll have to visit one of these days...

  17. Wow, Lily looks like a pro on the surf board. Good for her. What a great trip. That's one place I've never been. That view from the top is pretty spectacular.

  18. P.S. love the new header photo!

  19. Wow! to Lily ~ she does look like a pro ~ gorgeous photo series of Hawaii ~ It is a beautiful place to visit ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. wow! what an experience! and so well documented. Lilly is so lucky with the two of you, always doing fun things with her. the last image is awesome.

  21. No matter where you go, you find beauty to photograph. I've never been to Hawaii, so I devoured all your photos. Your granddaugher is growing up to be quite the fearless and athletic young lady. Go, Lilly, go!

  22. Wonderful vacation! Some great pictures too!

  23. Amazing that your granddaughter learned to surf so quickly.
    I loved Wakiki, I love the energy, the food, the people were nice, and the views of the sky was great.
    If I go back I'm taking the hike up Diamondhead. That looks interesting and fun.

  24. Looks like a great vacation! That first photo, painting on the windows sure had me fooled. It was like you were in space, on a space station looking out (reminded me of some show I watched, maybe a Doctor Who episode). I've never been to Hawaii. I opted for Puerto Rico for tropical beaches. A much longer trip from the west coast though.

  25. Your family pictures are wonderful to see. That trail looks amazing.
    I wasn’t able to comment using Safari browser so now I’m on Chrome. I think they changed something in the pop-up blockers, but I don’t know.

  26. Thank you for the Views in your familiy holiday - the family photo is very beautiful. Greetings from Germany

  27. Yo no me he animado a visitarlo, por la cantidad de horas de avión, prefiero ir a lugares cercanos.
    Un abrazo

  28. Wow, now that is some different post! How wonderful, thank you for sharing and big WOW on Lilly!!! Great pics and interesting places!
