Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Hike Back (from Jabba Rock)

 It's a soggy day here in S. CA, the first punch of a two-punch storm that is predicted to bring a lot of rain to the area. But let me turn the clock back to November 11, 2023, and continue on from my last post. We had managed to climb up to the top alcove on Jabba Rock (black circle). It was late afternoon and time to start our hike back to the cars. As usual, I was lagging behind. The beautiful sky and incredible rocks were calling to me, and I couldn't resist taking more photos.
One of my favorite photos from up on Jabba Rock. I love the late afternoon light on the rocks, and so lucky to have such a pretty sky. Even sure-footed Mitch (red shirt) is scooting down the rocks on his butt, which means steep going. Getting down steep rocks can often be trickier than getting up!
My colleagues down below (hard to see) are busy giving me advice on how to get down!
Yay, back on solid ground!! That mountain is the direction we are heading. Highway 62 (and our cars) is at the base of the mountain. Fairly easy hike back from here, and with any luck, we won't need our head lamps! The photos below are just my attempts at capturing the ever-changing sky and beautiful light on the distant mountains as we finish up our hike. 

Last photo of the day!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. ...thanks again for taking mw along, I'd get lost for sure.

  2. You were hiking back at the right time for some good late afternoon/early evening shots.

  3. The light on the mountains is gorgeous. Great sky photos.

  4. Thanks for your comment about Flickr etc. I think I continue because I have done it for a long time, and I have a few friends for much of the time.

  5. Another great hike for you and for us with your awesome photography ~ Wow! What a place!

    Recent thought on that area where you hike ~ is there any wild life there? Thoughts of walking there with headlights got me wondering if there are any critters there ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. I like that photo with the sunlit mountains in the distance.

  7. I love the light on distant mountains in the last few photos - beautiful

  8. Great set of photos, especially the last.

  9. Thecontemplativecat here. Marvelous shots. Good eye.

  10. Dearest Peter,
    Yes, the beauty of the sky and the mountains is very captivating!
    One wants to take it all in, to take it home.
    Excellent photos.

  11. I cannot even imagine climbing to the top of that formation. I am always amazed at your ability to catch the beauty around you.. I am always saying. I wish I would have caught that. I even bought a super duper $$$ camera once, but could ever learn to adjust it. i finally realized, the camera doesn.t make the photographer. That said, I really do wish I had the time left to see this stuff for myself. Maybe, just maybe..... Anyway. we always enjoy the visit here. Jack &Sherry of the Shipslog.

  12. Such stunning vistas! Thanks for sharing. These photos are amazing.

  13. You're right-- The perfect time of day. But your pictures of the desert are the best I've ever seen!

  14. What a rugged environment the desert is and as always perfectly portrayed again.

  15. It's a small window of light and utterly magical when it hits the horizon just right.

  16. Eine sehr interessante Gegend. Danke das ich auf dem Ausflug, per Foto , dabei sein konnte!

  17. I've done my share of scooting on my butt down rocks and steep inclines especially the older I get.
    You got some outstanding photographs of the scenery and skies.

  18. The landscape there is gorgeous! I'm glad you take advantage of these opportunities and are willing to share photos. Thanks!

  19. What lovely scenery! Hiking back at sunset gave you some great light.

  20. Just been reading about the Pineapple Express.

  21. The light and clear air of the desert offer incredible opportunities for a photographer. You certainly advantage of the situation. And we appreciate the results.

  22. The lightning and formations are so striking. It looks like the magic hour indeed. You always have so much fun out there in the desert!

  23. Such beautiful lighting on the mountains, especially on the 3rd from bottom photo. No wonder you lingered to take the pictures. I would not enjoy the climbing down part - it really is harder, in my very limited experience, than the going up part.

  24. La vista de esos paisajes es espléndidas, con ciertas elevaciones de terrenos rocosas. Muy agradables de contemplar.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  25. Great shots! Yes, climbing down can be tricky and you don’t have much of a choice like you do if you’re going up. Like they say, what goes up must come down.

  26. Such a beautiful sky and perfect light. I'm glad you captured it and shared it.
    P.S. I would have slid down on my butt too!

  27. Such a beautiful landscape. You have captured it wonderfully.

  28. Wow, those pictures are incredible! Love the contrast between the rugged terrain and the vibrant sky.

  29. The first photo of your destination, the mountains, where your cars are parked---well it looks like a very long distance to walk. How far was it? I hope you don't get flooded where you live.

  30. Perfect day (I haven't even read the first part of it yet, but I just know it will live up to this last part!)....If I didn't already know it, the fact that you and your friends slide down on your butts would certainly tell me that this hike would *never* have been for me (certainly not now!). And so I am especially grateful that you shared it -- the skies are phenomenal.

  31. Beautiful pics and yes, down is always freaking me out!

  32. Glad you all made it down safely and still had time to take these exceptional photos of the ever changing light! I'm not really a desert lover [prefer green to brown] but your blog is swaying that opinnion.

  33. Hi SP&P,
    Your adventure on Jabba Rock sounds absolutely thrilling, and the way you've captured the essence of the late afternoon light on the rocks through your photography is truly captivating. It's fascinating how even the most sure-footed among us, like Mitch, find descending steep terrain a unique challenge, highlighting the unpredictable nature of such outdoor excursions. The return journey, with the mountain as your beacon and the promise of an easy hike ahead, must have felt rewarding. The anticipation of possibly not needing headlamps adds an adventurous twist to the tale. Your photographs, serving as snapshots of the ever-changing sky and the breathtaking landscapes, not only preserve the memories of your hike but also share the beauty of these moments with others. It’s wonderful how you embrace the beauty around you, turning what could have been a simple hike back to the cars into an opportunity to capture and appreciate the natural world's fleeting moments. Looking forward to seeing more of your adventures and the stunning vistas you capture!

  34. I've been wondering how you folks are surviving the atmospheric rivers flowing all over California. Even Lone Pine got some wet and snow (I think it only snowed twice there when I was in high school). Good that you got a chance to get out before the new year to get these shots. I just love this sequence, and the Jabba Rock pic is a terrific example of pareidolia--a desert version of Darth-Vader-in-a-pancake.

  35. Truly wonderful light, well captured. And an adventure...
    Greetings from Germany

  36. OMG!!! That's such a gorgeous trip again. I love your excursions so much, Peter! Great and very impressive images with the special cherry on the cake the late afternoon light.

  37. Your photo's always have me in awe at the beauty of the desert
