Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Conversation

 Here's something completely different from my usual posts of desert landscapes. It was one of those photos that popped up saying "on this day in 2015." I remember being with a group of colleagues from work, eating dinner at a beautiful beachside restaurant located right on the sand. The sky really caught my attention, as did the man on the beach, and most of all, the silhouette of this elderly couple who seemed to be totally enthralled with each others company, as if no one else in the world existed. They didn't even notice me standing next to their table taking this photo!
This was taken during my Hipstamatic phase. Hipstamatic is a phone app that mimics the look of a vintage film camera. It allows you to choose a lens and film, and it modifes the image accordingly. Super fun and very creative. I used a B&W "film" for this photo. I don't recall which lens I selected.
Thanks for stopping by!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. ...different for sure and very nice.

  2. I really like the layers of depth in this photo.

  3. Beautiful, the light and the atmosphere are really nice.

  4. Dearest Peter,
    Love the hole in the clouds and the light down onto that man...

  5. That's a remarkable photo for all the elements you listed. It has "presence" and I love it.
    I went through an extensive hipstatmatic phase and I still have a ton of filters, cameras, lens'. I call it up and play with it every now and then. I like how it is easy to do double exposures with it.

  6. The photo is very special. I haven't been here for a while but am now back to blogging, so I also must mention the gorgeous desert sky in your header photo. You are such a good photographer and you appreciate the beauty of the desert as I do.

  7. That really has the old film look that I like

  8. This image is so poignant and beautiful.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I relate your wonderful photograph. And feel honored by it. Isn't it funny how we look back to 2015 and the world and our worlds we're different places! Seems we're on a good path at last. Going in a more joyful, positive direction. Certainly hope so. Thanks for your photos. Aloha!

  11. The image looks like it came out of a different decade. Great ambiance.

  12. great capture. love the atmosphere.

  13. I find older photos can hold a wealth of previously unseen treasures. I love this photo.

  14. First of all, thank you for visiting 1 of my 2 websites and also leaving a comment. It is always nice to get to know new people this way and then see what people are photographing or writing about. And I really liked this picture you took. If you let the thoughts go then it also tells a story. Greetings, Tine from the Netherlands. I hope to see you more on my websites. There is always something there what you like.

  15. Nice I like getting shots like that though they are few

  16. Indeed a great photo in an older B&W style. I would say try that a bit more.

  17. Beautiful character study in B & W! And the stunning sky makes it all perfect. ☺

  18. Love it. That sky is spectacular.

  19. That is a wonderful shot. And yes I'd be wondering about the guy too! So nice to see the old couple so happy. Who knows, might have been their first date :-D

  20. Wow! very creative photo ~ sky, light and couple ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. To me, this was an award winning photo. So, of course, I had to check out Hipstamatic. I don't miss film but I have taken photos with a simple 126 size box camera (2 settings, B&W and Color), Instamatic, and 35mm point and shoot. Maybe I do need this app so I can take photos like it was 2010. Or 1965.

  22. What a great B&W picture of the sky and the lovely couple!

  23. Fantastic shot! The sky is luminous.

  24. What the photo makes me think of is some supernatural or super hero even or spiritual
    significant movie style event, at least in the minds of some, happening on a grand scale behind that old couple but they couldn't care less because they're happy and love each other and not into "grand events" and don't need that sort of drama in their lives.

  25. I love the composition and framing of this photo. I've never explored the various phone apps for photography. It sounds like fun.

  26. Mobile phones are at the level of digital cameras 15 years ago. But, he quickly recovers the gap.

  27. What a great photo! It's perfectly framed, simple yet with so much to see in it. It's probably at a completely different place but it looks so very much like The Beachcomber restaurant at Crystal Cove State Park. I just had a very hardy breakfast there last month.

  28. It is always such a pleasure to stop by, Peter. A very special moment shared.

  29. Awesome moment, great image! Nothing better for this than Hipstamatic. You know, I'm still addicted with this app.

  30. Very nice shot! I´d say you used 50mm lens on this one. Something in the depth perspective makes me think that. An educated estimation. 😉

    1. My photo properties tell me I was using a Hipstamatic 280 camera (probably modeled after the Kodak 280 Instamatic made in the 1960's) with a Roboto Glitter lens (?) and BlacKeys Extra Fine B&W film. With the Hipstamatic app, you're never sure what your image is going to look like!

  31. That's a great photo, everything coming together at the same time, right in front of you. I'm glad you were there to catch it.

  32. What a beautifully captured moment!
    The black and white filter from your Hipstamatic phase enhances the timeless feel of the scene. It's like a perfect blend of nostalgia and serenity, with the beachside setting making it even more special.

    Happy Monday!

  33. Many times, an "instant composition" yields fabulous results. This is one of those times. Incredible capture of three elements: sky, loving couple, mystery figure.

    And now you have forced me to explore potential apps for the dang phone which I have been trying to avoid as I know once I find them I shall have to seek out ways to use them!

  34. I love this photo! It reminds me of one I saw recently at a diner. There was a man sitting at a booth and outside of the window there was a team of construction workers with tons of big machines, tools, and even a dumpster rental. It was titled, "Here through all the growth". I look at the couple in your photo and it's clear they've been through a lot together. Growth if you will. And then the man looking out into the horizon is almost a metaphor for more amazing things to come in the future. All in all, it's just absolutely beautiful.

  35. Enjoyed the visit. I have missed a few days, but think of you often. Life is good. I am sure glad I dropped by I have missed a few days and did at least get to cagtch up on the great pictures, ahh but today, this picture says a lot, especially since She and I are still able to enjoy some time appreciating each other. The best to you and yours out there...

  36. What a great shot! It reminds me of my mom and dad.
