Thursday, August 1, 2024

Orange County Fair

 My friend Mitch talked me into going. Something about "Where else can we see giant corn on the cob and eat bacon-wrapped donuts and funnel cake??" He had entered some photos into the competition and was anxious to check out the winning entries. We were also looking forward to seeing a Talking Heads cover band later in the evening (which we really enjoyed!). Here's some Talking Heads to enjoy while you check out my photos:
The OC Fair had all the usual stuff, like really yummy BBQed corn...
Fun to see animals (people couldn't get enough of the baby pigs!)...
And all manner of decadent food. I don't recall exactly what Mitch is eating here, but I do recall he really enjoyed it!
But one thing I don't remember seeing during past visits to the fair was this huge display of album art. It was really fun to see, and walk around visiting some of my musical heroes! Below is a small sample.
Hi George!
I got to visit with Frank!
Keith looking gnarly as ever!
The always elegant David Bowie.
A wonderful portrait of Jimi
Michael Jackson's mysterious eyes!
I got to walk across Abby Road with the Beatles!
And even play a giant Stratocaster!
We had a wonderful time. Thanks for stopping by!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. Dearest Peter,
    Such well organized Fairs are always fun to visit!

  2. Thank you for giving us a fun time also! Aloha

  3. Oh, wow, the album art is amazing ... an absolute delight to see them. And the pigs young and old ... it would be nice if they didn't end up on someone's table. Few people realize they are intelligent creatures and more trainable than dogs.

  4. I love love love county fairs! Cotton candy, Ferris wheels, livestock exhibits. I love it all!

  5. Wow! What fun and great photos ~ love the 'Abbey Road' photo ~ Summertime fun for sure ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Enjoy the fair shots. The giant corn is certainly eye catching. So are the posters

  7. ...I like country fairs and this one is over the top. Thanks for showing me around.

  8. Looks like it was a fun outing and I bet you were happy that Mitch talked you into going! It looks like Mitch might be enjoying a caramel sundae, which I bet was quite refreshing. Talking Heads takes me back to my high school days. Now I feel old. :-)

  9. Enjoyable photos of your visit!

  10. Omg! I love that Jimi portrait!!! I also like mama pig…

  11. Looks likeyou had fun - love the Margritte Apple painting, and the music ones look big, like Murals? #Skywatch

  12. A good fair is always fun! I love the album art, especially the one of Jimi Hendrix.

  13. I went to the San Diego County Fair back in 1978--- The only thing I remember was a Lamborghini farm tractor. I also discovered that many of the people who go to fairs must travel around like Grateful Dead Fans or Trump Rally fans. They look the same wherever they are.

  14. Must have been fun, I love the album art.

  15. wow amazing Orange County Fair , Great pics, Stunning art works.

  16. Great excursion! Love the album art. Abby Road…sigh! Love that one!

  17. That's something else as the desert.

  18. Very cool fair,thanks for sharing the fun!

  19. We used to go to the fair about once every five or so years but I think it has been slightly more than that since our last visit.

    Somewhere, I have a picture of me walking across the real Abbey Road crossing.

  20. Fabulous milky way shots below. It's hot as hell your way. I have fair footage too! I don't go to our big state fair here in Minnesota, but I love the small town ones. They are easier to navigate.

  21. That Fair looks like lots of fun. Love the Keith and George art too and wonderful you mingled with The Beatles!

  22. I know we are of a similar age though I doubt my wife would be impressed with me going off to a fair on my own. I do like the album art so here is some useless info. George Harrison only lived about 12 miles away from where I live. My mate used to go around to service his lawn mowers and was given the white album by his manager. I've seen Keith Richards pay a couple of times with the Stones at Wembly they were Awesome. I went to see Bowie in London and fell asleep in the concert (I think I had Flu) As for Michael Jackson well I took the Wife & Kids to see him at Wembly, it has to be the worst consert I went to. When I was a kid The Beatles were playing in Oxford I and because of the amount of Fans waiting for them there, they stopped the train at our village station. Al lot of us f#ound out so I legged it down there only to see their Rolls pass by the end of the road. I heard John said that the village looked like the back of nowhere.
    Miches Icecream looks tasty

    1. I would say intriguing information! Thanks for sharing it.

  23. Nice to see you. We are not completely unlike with our salt and pepper beards and chrome domes.

  24. That Strat is bigger than most players ego. If that´s even possible.. 🤔

  25. Our county fair is mainly agricultural - I haven't been to it in years. Yours - wow! I absolutely loved the music art, and I wish I could have eaten some corn.

  26. Many nice portraits of some of my favorites
    Have a wonderful weekend

  27. I would love to go to an exhibition of album arts only.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  28. Looks like a fun fair! I love the rock star portraits. ☺

  29. Looks like a great show. Isn't it odd how, with the passing of time, Keith has somehow become the most charismatic of the Stones?

  30. Definitey a fun time. Glad you went and shared it all. Have a nice weekend.

  31. That looks like a fun time for sure. I love that giant ear of corn. I got to walk on Abbey Road in London on one of my visits there but, sadly not a Beatle in sight. A friend of mine and I were having lunch recently and the place was playing a lot of 90's songs. We knew everyone of them and who was singing them. I mentioned to her how we knew them all but that I wouldn't recognize a Taylor Swift song if my life depended on it.

  32. Great photo of Mitch, and you've got to love that hair! :)

  33. I just saw a docu on the INVISIBLE HOUSE JOSHUA TREE -thought if you don´t know it already I give you the info.... I don´t want to appear arrogant, I always love when people let me know things (even if I knew already).

    1. I've seen photos of this place, but haven't seen it in person. I hope they have a very strong AC system. It looks like it would be VERY hot in the summer.

  34. Looks like you've had a wonderful time and enjoyed this special location. Such handsome photos!

  35. Looks like a fair fair.

    Now I need a funnel cake.

  36. love corn, but a bit expensive recently.....
    great fair and excellent photos.....

  37. Reminds me of some of my favorite days.

  38. What a fun and vibrant day at the fair!
    Mitch certainly had a great idea—giant corn on the cob and bacon-wrapped donuts sound like a unique fair experience.
    I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the Talking Heads cover band too!
    The album art display is a fantastic addition; it must have been amazing to walk among such iconic musicians.
    Seeing David Bowie and Jimi Hendrix in that setting sounds like a treat.
    And playing a giant Stratocaster? What a cool experience!
    I absolutely loved the cool photos you shared.

    Happy Monday!

  39. Oh, how I wish you could see our county fair. When we lived in Wisconsin, we had pretty decent fairs. Here is in South Dakota the counties are so remote and small. There are no rides, no concession stands, just a few events like the animal showings and demolition derby.

  40. Peter, a fabulous snapshot of a 23 day event, with over 1 million attendees! I've been googling as your photos made me curious. I now know what funnel cake is. The annual Brisbane 'fair, exhibition, ekka or show,' takes place next week over 9 days attracting 400,000. A wonderful experience, but sadly I know longer attend as it is peak flu season!

  41. It looks like you guys had a fun time. We have a fair here in September that I like to go even though the fees have gotten outrageous.
