Thursday, March 17, 2022

Looking for the Wolf Moon

 I'm a couple months behind on my posts. I recall this day in mid-January... almost, but not quite, a full moon (called the "Wolf Moon"). It was scheduled to rise at about the same time as sunset, which is always a nice time to take pictures. So I headed over to Clark Park, where I can get some good sky views, and was immediately... disappointed. Too many clouds! The moon was pretty much obscured by all the clouds, although I did manage to get a fleeting glimpse.

Even though the moon view was mostly blocked by clouds to the east, I still had the sunset to work with to the west, and it didn't disappoint.

Heading up these steps will give me nice views of the sky.

My friend Elliot over at Exploratography tells me the mustard plants are blooming over at Clark Park, so I need to go visit!

Thanks for dropping by!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. Awesome you have some really dramatic looking sky's this week, beautiful

  2. I love your moon shot. The texture of the clouds is perfect. You sunset shots are perfect also.

  3. Oooh, very nice sky. Too bad about the moon.

  4. Dearest Peter,
    Awesome photos of spectacular skies.

  5. Fantastic skies you´ve captured there. Great shots!

  6. Glad that the sunset delivered the goods for you, even if the moonshots were less successful. I woke early this morning - just over an hour ago - with a full moon shining through the bedroom curtains. On looking out I saw that there was just enough mist to make a beautiful halo around the moon as it shone down through the naked branches.

  7. Wow--- Excellent images. You got the light, but everything is clear.

  8. Great shots again. I love them.

  9. Beautiful pictures! Perfect light and landscape!

  10. The clouds added even more mystery to the beautiful moon. The sky photos with swooping hill and pathway makes me want to jump right into this magical place.

  11. Your sky photos are striking. That moon!

  12. Oh yeah! I thought that first photo is amazing but you followed it up with other gems. Much respect

  13. Your photos looks always so great! The light is very beautiful.

  14. Great photos - as always. Love the sun shots.

  15. Impressive sky photos! Dramatic.

  16. Wonderful photos. This sunset is spectacular!

  17. Very nice. And not all was lost in your outing!

  18. Spectacular sunset and beautiful scenery.

  19. 'a couple months behind?' - Thank You for sharing - My entire world has shifted and I STILL haven't figured out a schedule . . . you've given me hope.

    Where ever Clark Park is . . is Beautiful!

  20. Great sky shots ~ the moon and the sunset ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. great shots. and you were not alone :-)

  22. Your photos are magical, the sky is absolutely incredibly stunning.

  23. absolutely amazing series!! I love how you see the world!

  24. Clouds in the western sky often make some spectacular sunsets. This one is a good example. I love that second to last photo with the sky looking like it was moving swiftly.

  25. It would be impossible to be sky-disappointed for very long where you live! Lovely sunsets, lovely clouds even if they are hiding the full moon. (Or almost -- the first one where it's peeking out is lovely!)
