Thursday, March 24, 2022

Surprise Tank

 I almost didn't do this hike. I found myself with a free afternoon and decided last minute to go for a hike. We had had recent rain during an otherwise dry year, and I was thinking how nice it would be to see water in the desert. I decided to check out Surprise Tank, which is a short hike and, in theory, should be perfect since I only had a few hours. I've posted about it at least twice before. Most times it's dry, sometimes it's a mudpuddle, and rarely it's full. Let's go check it out.

After stepping out of the car, I got a huge blast of cold air. Really cold! I didn't expect it to be nearly this cold and windy when I left 29 Palms. I didn't have gloves or a knit hat, so not well prepared for a cold weather hike. I decided to proceed, rationalizing that I can always turn back if I get too cold.
Turns out I got lucky. After hiking about 1/2 mile, I noticed the wind had died down and the hiking was comfortable. And a big bonus: The sky and clouds were gorgeous!
Surprise Tank... nearly full!

This juniper grows on solid ground during most of the year.
There's a certain beauty to the randomness.



Hidden jewel in the desert!

The boulder hill on the right was used as a military lookout for a short time during WW2. Click here for details.
Queen Mountain, with Geology Tour Road on the left.

The drive home
Thanks for stopping by!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. ...these images are magical, particularly the water!

  2. Yep, these images are magical. The tank is a jewel in the desert. It looks like such back breaking work building the dam.
    Great post

  3. Wow, wow, wow, what is more beautiful than nature! My very favorite is your second view. Glad the weather worked with you. After having lived in Calif. I know it can become very cold in deserts! By the way, thanks for your comments about pottery. Am hanging in there, knowing the beginner's phase will pass, lol.

  4. I look forward to your blog each week and you never disappoint, the photos are just stunning and the fact you found the tank almost full must have been the icing on the cake for you. The clouds really set the scenery off. The first photo reminds me of a dragon resting its head on the rocks

  5. Good thing you could go out there after the rain. Nice to see it full.

  6. Another amazing trip into the desert - love the photos

  7. That "otherworldly" photo certainly looks like it belongs to another planet!
    I'm glad the wind dropped for you and you got to see the Tank filled up like this, as I imagine it doesn't remain that way for very long :)

  8. All these are beautiful captures.
    Surprise tank is amazing surrounded with rock formations.
    Have a great day!

  9. You have some really beautiful photos in this posting. Love the desert rock formations - simply beautify and as you said the sky turned out excellent.

  10. Glad you made the last-minute choice to go on this hike! Such a different look to the site with water! And I love the reflections in the water.

  11. Wow, very, very beautiful pictures, glad you went and thank you for sharing, oh, I do get "homesick"!

  12. I always enjoy your shots of the desert landscape, but having water in the scene adds another dimension to the beauty.

  13. The water makes this spot amazing-- but it's the rocks kissing in the photo immediately following the last one of the tank that really got me.

  14. Water and desert. Not the first thing coming your mind. Wondering how does desert sound like. It sure looks good. That´s down to a photographer. A good photographer.

  15. Awesome shots and what a surprice to find that "water tank" in the middle of the stoney dessert. Enjoy the coming weekend and thanks for sharing.

  16. Water in the desert a great surprise indeed.

  17. Water in the desert isn't something I'd expect, and that juniper has a great spot :)

  18. We always enjoy visiting, today I don't feel too much like commenting, so I am canning my comment, and pasting after I read.
    I appreciate your patience.
    jack with Sherry watching LOL she reads but will not comment. LOL I think that makes her a lurker! ;-) But a sweet one... Always amazing shots!

  19. Amazing photos!! Finding water in the desert isn't something I'd expect, so the name surprise tank is fitting.

  20. Otherworldly describes it perfectly, but it is our world so that is quite amazing. The road home looks like your header shot on another day. :)

  21. Wow! These are awesome photos ~ beautiful reflections in the water ~ So glad you trusted yourself and followed through despite the cold ~ Fantastic photos! Xo

    Wishing you laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. Is that a mirage? Water. A beautiful day on the trail. At least, it looks hot.

  23. I may have mentioned it before, but needs to be reiterated over and over again: You live in Paradise my friend.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  24. One of the under-recognized benefits of living in the desert is that one really learns to appreciate rare occurrences of water. These photos are, as always, spectacular. I'm glad it didn't stay cold so you had a chance to finish your hike.

  25. Everything was fantastic - the rocks, the clouds, the blue sky, and, best of all, the rare view of water. Glad you didn't turn back - a gamble well done.

  26. Glad you decided to go on the hike. A perfect timing for the hike. Beautiful sky and photos. Its a beautiful full tank.

  27. El tiempo, es variable, de unas horas a otras, puede refrescar o hacer calor y eso favorece, que haya muchos constipados.

    Ha merecido la pena, hacer la caminata, porque has encontrado la luz ideal y unas nubes bastante interesantes, que favorecen las fotgrafías.

    Felíz fin de semana.

  28. Dearest Peter,
    So glad the weather changed for your benefit and the sky, as is evident in you stunning photos, was even better!
    Can't help but see animal faces or heads in some of the stones, like the 1st and the 5th image.

  29. That water hidden among all those rocks is a sight to see. Just gorgeous.

  30. As always beautiful photos! The sky and the clouds are wonderful. The hidden water was a jewel in the desert.

  31. Wow.... lovely pics of those rocks, and a hillock used during the World War.

  32. Greetings and Salutations! Clap. Clapping. Still clapping. Wow and wowza!

  33. Your pictures are beautiful! Spectacular scenery.

  34. Look at that Tank -- full of water, gorgeous! And so much beauty in the perfect light! So glad you didn't let the cold turn you back. I've read that you should dress for five or ten degrees warmer than it is when you hike and I think that was meant to say exercise would warm you up -- but it seems like it could be really bad advice in changeable weather. This time it worked out perfectly. Thank you for sharing this beautiful hike.

  35. Wow, great photos! What a luck, that you made this hike.
    In the first I see the head of a dog...

  36. You are truly fortunate to live near sich beautiful views and interesting trails to explore!

  37. Beautiful pictures! Beautiful colours!

  38. no matter how "stressy" 'stuff' may seem . . a visit to your blog . . is the answer.
    Peace . . . and, even when you tell me it's chilly or windy - here. it's warmth and hope . . and, Oh! I enjoyed visiting the 2017 post . . amazing. Thank you. 💙
