Thursday, October 27, 2022

Amboy, CA

 Amboy is one of those little towns on old Route 66 that time has forgot. At one time it was thriving. Now, not so much, but tourists and photographers are still drawn to it. Roy's Hotel has got to be one of the most photographed signs in the desert!
They've refurbished the sign and now leave it on at night, which is great for taking pictures! The vintage car next to the sign is a nice touch.
While I was there, there was a couple from Germany posing by the car, so Amboy has become something of a destination. To my right and behind where I was standing for this photo are 8 - 10 bungalows that were the actual motels. Weary travelers could pull their cars right in front of their bungalow, unload the kids, get gas, a quick meal, and (hopefully) a good nights sleep before getting back on the road the next morning to continue their travels. 
The old Amboy cemetery on the outskirts of town. Can you see the Roy's sign?
Getting ready for Halloween, Amboy style!
Totally unplanned, I spotted this beautiful full moon rising to the east of Amboy. It appeared to be resting on a bed of clouds. What a lucky opportunity! Putting my camera away, we jumped in the Jeep prepared to drive the rest of the way home. We only got about 100 yards beyond Amboy when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw this wonderful view:
Lucky shot #2.
Thanks for stoppying by, and have a Happy Halloween if you celebrate it!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. What amazing views! I would love to see that especially with the full moon. I drive a Jeep now too and love the freedom of going anywhere! (I'll have to look and see if you've posted pics of yours!)

  2. Definitely a lucky stop that time.

  3. ...I love the old school neon sign! I hope not to "enjoy" Amboy! Have a spooktacular Halloween.

  4. A beautiful header and great Americana what else would you wish to see.

  5. That is a lucky shot! It took skill to see it and capture it. Really enjoy the post. Thank you

  6. Dearest Peter,
    You sure managed to snap some incredible photos in and around Amboy, CA.
    Love the moon photos—breathtaking.
    Also the first photo is impressive, like really going back in time!

  7. You really depict the features of arid desert town in a way surrounding the sign. What a way to celebrate this forgotten town with your photography

  8. Great moon shots!! Amboy is a hot spot for Route 66 fans. I belong to a couple fb groups for Route 66 and they are ardent fans. Your shots with the neon are awesome.

  9. wow - your photos are wonderful! reminds me of my childhood - that final photo is amazing with the moon over the motel

  10. My favorite is your first moon capture - absolutely beautiful!

  11. Word Americana comes in mind. Very nice set of pics!

  12. Oh. What a post.
    My Mom presented my Brother with a journey to route 66 on a motorbike.
    He never went cause his English is not good.
    Soo sad.
    Now he´s a Dad of two and has no time for something like that.
    He never lived his dreams. (and now so often complains about family - dreams can be some dreams, huh).

    Our Henry-skeleton says hi :-)

    Great moon-pics. Oh, I would love to take that route, thank you for sharing!

  13. Awesome shots! Old School look with the Motel and the sign but the moon images were pure luck. Happy Halloween!

  14. Very cool place there I would enjoy visiting
    Have a wonderful weekend

  15. We have been there twice, but never at night and by moonlight. Great place and nice shots

  16. The old Continental is perfect. I couldn't help but be reminded of 1987's excellent movie, "Bagdad Cafe". We have an Amboy not far from us as well.

    1. Good eye, Bill. Amboy does have that Bagdad Cafe vibe. I believe the cafe still exists (in Newberry Springs, tot too far west on Route 66 from Amboy).

  17. Fun shots! I love the lighted sign and the moon.

  18. What a great shot, love them all.

  19. What a beautiful moon capture! That and the B&W cemetary shots were my favorites.

  20. Roy's sign at dusk is so much more than it is during the daylight hours. And that picture you saw from your rear view mirror is stunning - aren't you glad you use your mirrors? LOL

  21. Like moths to a flame. Seeing the sign through the crosses is poignant somehow.

  22. Your moon shots are ominous! And what a fun place Route 66 must have been in its day ~ Xo
    Great post!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Years ago, I took a picture of the vintage police car parked in front of the police station in Tunica, MS (now a casino resort in the middle of cotton fields south of Memphis).

    Really enjoy reading your blog and learning about all these interesting small towns in CA. Thank you! The moon pictures are breathtaking!

  24. Fantastic pics! The last pic should definitely be included in the Motel's ads.

  25. wow! I really like the photos of the full moon. The full moon rising photo is wonderful!

  26. I've never heard of Amboy but it looks like some of the little towns I pass driving in that direction from Phoenix. That full moon was the perfect way to celebrate this trip. What a great opportunity and you made the best of it.
