Thursday, April 20, 2023

Mt. Wilson Trail

 And now for something completely different! I'm usually wandering across desert terrain, the more remote the better, but for this hike I will have to brave the freeways and fight the traffic of Southern California. The Mt. Wilson trailhead is in Sierra Madre, and I'll need to head up the 5, then up the 605, then west on the 210. All busy any time of day, and potentially gridlocked during "rush hour" or if there's an accident. Yuck!
Oh, and I don't want to spit this hike into two posts, so I apologise for the large number of photos. Pull up a comfortable chair and enjoy!
I know from experience it's a beautiful trail and worth the drive. I lived in Sierra Madre from about 5th to 10th grade, and this trail was like my back yard. But it's been many years since I've been back, and the memories come flooding back at every twist and turn. This Mt. Wilson Trail sign didn't used to be here.
Mt. Wilson is 7 miles from this spot, so 14 miles round trip. Even worse is the 4,740 feet of elevation gain from this sign. That's beyond my capabilities. So my goal today is a modest one: Just 1.5 miles to First Water. It's a short but steep hike, with nearly 1000' gain of vertical. 
Looking back at the start of the trail, there are oak trees and shade. But don't let that fool you. Beyond this, there's little to no shade all the way to First Water. It's not a hike I would recommend in the summer. Side note: As a kid, I hiked it all the time in the summer. Never carried water (it never even crossed my mind). I would get to First Water hot and tired, lie down on my stomach, and take a long drink right out of the stream! Never got sick, but I certainly wouldn't do that today.
Perfect day for a hike!
Early on the hike you get a peek of the Sierra Madre dam.

A typical Mt. Wilson Trail view as it starts it's climb up to first water. Much of the trail has sheer drop-offs. It's carved into the side of a very steep mountain. Funny thing, I don't recall these steep drop-offs from my childhood memories. But now as I'm closing in on 70, I'm not a fan!
We used to call this oak tree "first shade" and it's a perfect spot to stop and rest. I was so glad it's still here. It's gotta be hundreds of years old.
From nearly the start of the hike, I could hear a background "drone" noise that I couldn't identify. I figured it must be freeway traffic, but as I hiked up the trail, it got louder. It finally dawned on me that it's the sound of water rushing down the canyon! All the recent rain has turned what is usually a little trickle into significant water flow. In the photo above, you can see a section of the trail I've just hiked up with the canyon down below. You can't really see any water flowing from this view, but it's down there and you can hear it!
Finally I started to get some views of the water flowing in the canyon below. I never realized this area has so many waterfalls! I used a telephoto lens for these photos. The waterfalls are further away than they look, and a big drop down into the canyon, and there's no way to get to them unless you have some serious climbing skills and a rope!

This section is so steep it requires a railing!
Uh oh, trail washout! They are putting in a lot of work to keep this trail open. One guy showed me some big lagbolts in the rocks on the right. The bridge will eventually be secured with cable to the bolts. For right now, it's just those 2x4s holding things in place. The little sign says "WARNING: Use at Your Own Risk!"
Since I have no idea who Charlie is, I stay on the main trail.
I finally make it to the fork in the trail. To the right is First Water. The Mt. Wilson trail continues for 5.5 more miles on the left, and I'm thankful I'm not going left!
Looking back at the short trail (right) leading down to First Water (left). It's even prettier than I remember it, with a beautiful canopy of oak and sycamore trees and patches of golden light streaming through. The word "riparian" comes to mind, and for this old desert hiker, this is something I don't often get to experience. Photos really don't do it justice.


Flowers along the trail.
I enjoyed the hike so much that I brought my sister, brother-in-law, and granddaughter Lilly back and hiked it again a couple weeks later!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Thanks for dropping by!


  1. ...beautiful view from the top of the world. Thanks for taking me along. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Oh you hike the best places and share the most awesome photography ~ glad you shared with your family too ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. This new trail was filled with beautiful views

  4. Wow, what a beautiful trail you took us on. The trail actually looks to be in pretty good shape especially with all the rain you have been having. A thousand foot of elevation in the first segment!! That is some major cardio.

  5. Glad you shared your experience with family and the rest of us. What a wonderful excursion! Love the creative but practical names, perfect for a novel. The roots of First Shade look like they are about to lift off the ground. First Water looks heavenly and I imagine all the trees are far bigger now than when you were a boy so more impressive. :)

  6. I would love to venture this Mount Wilson trail myself. Very beautiful and unique landscape

  7. Dearest Peter,
    WOW, that was quite a hike and as you mention: 'closing in on 70'—not anything to attempt doing now. You're trailing closely behind me...😉 but are FAR stronger in being able to climb and do this!
    Incredible views and one can tell that you appreciated the stream and the waterfalls — such a contrast from desert hikes.
    Thanks for sharing and you can be proud of your shared genes!

  8. Very pretty trail. Different from your usual jaunts. It's so nice that here in SoCal we can go from desert to mountain to beach all without having to get a hotel room.

  9. Who knew there were such beautiful places. Great shots.

  10. Nice change for your usual hikes. Looks like a very nice place.

    Use at Your Own Risk? Not too reassuring, eh?

    Nice photography as per usual. 👍

  11. Such a beautiful, if demanding, trail. Funny the things we used to do as children which we now realise as being quite dangerous.

  12. I enjoyed the scenery on your hike. It looks very steep in parts.

  13. It is an engaging trail anyway, even if not in the desert rocks. Is it by chance that granddaughter has the same style glasses as grandfather? 😉

  14. Fabulous--- I've never been in those hills when the grass was green and the water was flowing like that. It reminds me of some shots of Australia. It did make me a bit homesick for the California of my memories.

  15. Thats really nice post. I love the thick shade of nature with water gushing through canopy which I wish to enjoy this monsoon season

  16. Fantastic trip again. Thanks for showing us.

  17. I'm 71 and like you would struggle to go further, It's bad enough the moment trying to walk up hill after what I hav been though but the thing is if you don't try you will never get there

  18. Before I forget...I love your banner! WOW! And how neat to hike a trail you hiked as a kid. We sure had fun scouting about when we were kids. My boys did all kinds of crazy things that they are just now telling me now that they are older! Love the water, feel a little dizzy looking at the drop offs though. Love this post! Glad you went back with family to make new memories!

  19. Different but equally wonderful!
    I wouldn't mind hiking there... It would take me a few days ...

  20. A great hike with lots of beautiful views. Thanks so much for sharing.

  21. That saying that "youth is wasted on the young..." how true! It was wonderful that this trail was part of your childhood, and that you were able to share with members of your family. Beautiful, steep scenery and I have to thank you again for taking us along on your hike. That trail would have been too much for me. This will help keep you young!

  22. What a great hike again. In my thoughts, the water of that river is splashing and murmuring.

  23. Thank you for sharing the beauty
    A wonderful nature

  24. Great photos of trees, rocks, streams of water, and flowers, but it is the views off the side of the trail that are really beautiful to me.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  25. An adventure that is completely different from the desert yet so beautiful in its own right! Amazing sights like you experienced surely quickly cancelled out any chaos you may have encountered on the trip to the trailhead.

  26. Lots of great photos. I feel like I was there with you on the hike. Thanks for sharing. My favorite kind of posts sharing hike photos are the ones that have me saying, to myself, I want to go there. This was one of those. 😊

  27. This hike is a departure from the typical desert terrain. I wouldn't want my family to know how slow and out of shape I am! (So I'd leave them at home) The moon photos below are spectacular.

  28. It looks like a very challenging yet enjoyable hike, with some fantastic views! Good for you to be able to do it twice in a row!

  29. Wonderful landscapes - I enjoy this tour so much and your photos from the blossoms - I like the purple a little more than the yellow one!

  30. Thank you for all the beautiful photos! I enjoyed them all. The old oak tree looks wonderful, and the flowers too.

  31. Loved the green and mountainy hike, a nice change for you . And enjoyed your memories. I'm glad it was still as lovely as you remembered (and sometimes even better). Glad to know you went back again with family (and glad that Lily still loves getting out there!)

  32. I forgot how much I enjoy your posts, I'll have to remember to drop by more often.
