Thursday, April 13, 2023

Pushawalla Plateau Sunrise & Moonset

 Still alive! Barely. I had nothing left in the tank. After hiking/climbing 1600' in the dark to the top of Pushawalla Plateau, I was spent, but also exhilarated that I made it.
I stop for a rest and drink of water as Mitch takes this photo. What the photo doesn't show are the cold temps (high 30's) and strong winds. Photography is going to be challenging up here. Even with tripods, stong winds will result in camera movement and blurred photos.
My first pre-dawn photo, and it's a little disappointing. My feeling of exhilaration fades to a feeling of doubt: I wonder if I can get any decent photos?? We're looking approximately west at what is called the Banning Pass. The dots of light are blurred by wind buffeting my camera. I think the first cluster of white light (center and a little left) is the Morongo Casino. The white line snaking it's way through the center of the photo is the 10 freeway. The red dots of lights are the top of wind turbine towers. I do like those red dots!
As things lighten up in the early dawn, the exposure times are less and camera shake by the devil winds is reduced. Things are looking up! That's the San Jacinto Mountains we are looking at, with the Palm Springs lights twinkling on the valley floor. Probably a view very few have seen! 
Looking east, you can see just a hint of the Salton Sea.
A much better view of the Salton Sea.
Meanwhile, looking to the west, the moon is starting to set over a snow covered Mt. San Gorgonio. Capturing the moonset was one of the main goals for this hike.
The sky is really starting to lighten up, and I'm having trouble deciding which direction I should point my camera. Beautiful moonset to the west, San Jacinto (above) to the south, or the Salton Sea to the east? Every photographers dream!
Salton Sea sunrise
Getting the moonset over snow covered San Gorgonio, with this Pinion Pine and Yucca in the foreground, was one of the main photos we were after. Our only miscalculation was we were hoping the golden sunrise would light up the Pinion Pine and Yucca. Instead it was lighting up the hill behind it, but that works! 
Golden light on the rocks.

Time to head back. It's only about 4 miles, but it's so unique and isolated up on the Plateau, it feels like we're leaving a different planet. We will head in the direction this fallen Joshua Tree is pointing. This time, we get to go DOWN 1600' 😊. I can't help feeling a bit bittersweet, like I will likely never see the top of this Plateau again. But I've learned... never say never!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.
Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Very lovely pictures
    excellent pictures of those snow mountains

  2. What a fantastic serie, Peter, again a hike that looks like it was definitely worth it. Especially the moon shots are great.

  3. Your photos are very beautiful. The colors and the moon are amazing to look at.

  4. Your new header is fantastic, as are all your shots! The moon setting in harmony with an early sunrise creates a magically mood that is otherworldly.

  5. saw and captured some gorgeous skies!

  6. Worth it? Would you do it again, maybe later in the spring when temps aren't so frigid at night?

    1. I probably would. It's a battle between warmer, more comfortable temps. (but you need to carry more water which makes your pack heavier) or cold temps and less water.

  7. Wow! Great photos ~ especially of the moon set ~ despite the winds ~ great series ~ glad you are happy with the trek ~

    Up until a few days ago (now temps in 70's in MA) the winds were wild making it very hard to walk well on the boulevard near the ocean)~ so can appreciate difficulty in trying to take photos ~ You did a great job, though ~ thanks ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Sky is just so gorgeous with the beautiful light in the air

  9. I think you did a great job with the photos. Many look like a portrait.

  10. Wow, you ended up with some great shots and I'm happy for you. Wind causes a lot of problems. Even with shooting flowers here in Oklahoma. Trying to get sharp photos when they are swaying forth in the everconstant Oklahoma wind.

  11. You got so many good photos despite the difficult start. You can be proud of both the photos and your physical dedication.

  12. Dearest Peter,
    Oh you had an empty tank you write but how incredible that view was and so are your photos!
    That pays for all the hardships endured during the cold and windy night.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Thanks for these beautiful photos. Please stay safe

  14. Great views in spite of that tricky wind. The sunrise and moonset pictures make me very jealous. I take it that you got down without incident, though I know that long downhills can be just as cruel on the knees as steep climbs.

  15. Congratulations! Great pictures as well. The happiness after successful hike offsets the stress of descension!

  16. The moonset shots are particularly stunning. Well taken!

  17. The result is well worth the effort. What beautiful fotoos again. They won't take that away from you.

  18. Well that just lifted my spirits looking at your photo,s, The mountain scapes were stunning especally with the moon in them, The dawn photos no less. Nice one, hope your wife did not mind your night treck

  19. A hike well worth the excellent photographic results. Amazing photos, poetic and evocative. Bravo, bravissimo!

  20. Those are stunning photos. Loving the first one and the moon photos :-D

  21. It was definitely worth the effort! These are gorgeous photos! I would have no regrets about this hike.

  22. Spectacular captures! They were worth the extreme effort! My favourites are the moon with the trees. Exceptional!

  23. Stunning photos definitely worth the effort.

  24. Epic photos. So many gems here. You’ll remember this trip as a highlight of your hiking life, I have a feeling.

  25. How interesting is this post and your photos are so wonderful. The photo with golden Lights at the tree is my favourite!

  26. It's sounds challenging, but your photos! Stunning! I'm fascinated by the Salton Sea ever since I saw some show on it.

  27. OMG!!! Absolutely amazing impressions Peter! Thank you so much for sharing these stunning trip with us.

  28. The views are worth the effort. Absolutely mesmerizing shots, despite the skeptical start. The moon setting shots are my favorite.

  29. You capture the grandeur of nature beautifully in your photos. I remember (with joy) that golden glow on the rocks at sunrise. Not something we see here in New Zealand.

  30. You got some absolutely gorgeous photos despite the difficult conditions. Well done!

  31. I think those moonset photos are the prettiest you've ever posted! And that is saying a lot, as you always have beautiful ones!
