Thursday, September 5, 2024

Cholla Milky Way

 So it turns out I'm still alive. We DID survive the dreaded jumping cholla and scorching temperatures while stumbling around in the dark trying to photograph the Milky Way. I did have to pull out a few barbed cholla harpoons during the course of the evening, but I guess that's to be expected. It's really a small price to pay in exchange for the opportunity to be out in the desert under the sparkle of Milky Way stars!
In my "Milky Way a month" attempt, this is my August entry. I had my doubts about using cholla cactus as a foreground subject for the Milky Way, but pretty happy with the way this one came out. I just finished up a trip to the desert for the September Milky Way, and will post that soon. Not sure about October yet. At some point, the Galactic Center will drop below the horizon and MW season will be officially over. It's been a fun challenge, and I'm looking forward to sharing all my 2024 Milky Way photos in a single post.
Thanks for stopping by!!
Linking with Skywatch Friday.


  1. captured a gorgeous image, I hope that the cholla didn't attack you.

  2. So calming and beautiful. Thanks!

  3. How cool! I'm visiting my Aunt and Uncle in Orange County the end of October and thinking about taking a couple of days to check out Joshua Tree NP.

  4. The pic came out really, really well. As usual!

  5. The milky way does actually look a bit milky as well as sparkly and mystical. Thank you for sharing these wonders with all of us. :)

  6. Dearest Peter,
    That sure yielded a spectacular photo for you!
    Glad you endured a few of those nasty chollas for that.

  7. It is a beautiful shot, chollas and all! I love this series and look forward to seeing them all together.

  8. I miss your last entry so had to go back to read about the Cholla cactus. Good to know, if I ever visit Joshua Tree National Park. Thanks for the heads up.

    You got a good shot. Looking forward to your next installment of the MW.

  9. I think this is my favorite Milky Way photo so far! Breathtaking.

  10. That is a nice foreground. Nice enough to brave the cholla? Only you can say for sure.

  11. Great shot! I love the Milky way posts.

  12. You did well with this photo that's for sure.

  13. Wonderful sky picture!
    I've never seen the Milky Way like this before. Unfortunately, our sky is always too bright due to the amount of light pollution.
    That's why I'm fascinated by this photo!
    How I would love to see the Milky Way in real life
    Thanks for this photo!
    My contribution

  14. Its a fantastic photo. I love it.

  15. I look forward to seeing all your MW photos on a single post. I watch the occasional YouTube video on capturing the Milky Way, which is more than enough to convince me that I wouldn't have the necessary patience and photographic technique to come up with photos even half as good as yours.

  16. This photo is sure woth some pain and a careful hike.

  17. Another fabulous shot of the Milky Way! And you chose your foreground well, given your story in your last post. It was a nice wrap to the outing. I admire your dedication to make it out in these late night hours to capture the beauty seen here.

  18. You've been milking it for all your worth. 😊
    I'll see myself out.

  19. From what I hear in the news, it sounds as if temperatures would have been more sufferable at night.

  20. That is beautiful, otherworldly, and worthy of a big WOW.

  21. You are the milky way whisperer. I love this shot and the colors and texture of the cholla perfectly compliment the milky way.

  22. Stunning photo, I really would love to get a photo of the Milky Way here in the UK

  23. I'm glad you survived! Looking forward to your Milky Way Reveal :)

  24. Wow! Awesome sky photo of the Milky way ~ glad you are safe and only had a minor attack of the chollas ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  25. I agree with all the comments. You found just the right amount of light on those cactus. Man those barbed stickers know how to find me. LOL There is something about that western sky that is GREAT!

  26. The MW is so beautifully captured. I'm so happy you shared it so I don't have to sit in the desert to see it. I kno

  27. What an adventure!
    The cholla cactus actually adds a unique and dramatic element to the Milky Way shot.
    Such an incredible photo!

  28. Absolutely beautiful, Peter! And thanks for the comment on my picture with the red leaves. I agree with you!

  29. This is so deeply touching and fantastic. Great conception, Peter.

  30. That's incredible! The photo looks amazing.

  31. This is a spectacular photo of the Milky Way! I've only seen it with my eyes once, while on a camping trip in a dark sky area. I tried to photogrpah it but it didn't come out as well as I hoped.
    I know about jumping chollas after visitng Arizonia :)

  32. Glad you´re still around to share those wonderful pics!

  33. It turned out beautifully. Good to hear you were okay.
