Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vintage Argus Camera and Tripod

My wife has this amazing ability to be able to hunt out things at thrift stores... give her a list, and chances are excellent she will find it! She says she prefers the messier stores, and it takes a good eye to separate the gems from the junk. When I started getting more serious about photography, I asked her to keep any eye out for old vintage cameras. Here's a beauty she found... it's an old Argus, and she also found this vintage "Empire Standard" tripod which is really solid and sturdy and very functional! I like the look of them together... kind of an authentic feel, and makes me think back to my first film camera!
Hope you had a great weekend! Linking with 


  1. That is a great find.

  2. This is freaking awesome! I love how you processed it, too. :) That red background really makes the camera and tripod pop.

  3. I love that too... I bid on a couple of lots of three vintage cameras recently at an auction, but the bid rose beyond me rapidly, oh well... love this one and the tripod too! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #55!

  4. great find!
    and you processing makes this look worthy of a photo exhibit poster.

  5. *sigh* Wish I could find a similar camera on my thrift adventures!

  6. Well, all right for the wifey! She's a keeper! xo

  7. What a great find!! I like the messier thrift shops also.

  8. That is a great find, they looks so retro techno.

  9. LOVE this shot! Perfect editing.
    As soon as the page opened my mouth dropped. A few months ago my Mom had given me her old Brownie camera and said she had others I could have. One was an Argus. So, if your wife finds another old tripod.... :)

  10. Wow! What a great old camera! I can't take my eyes from it. And I studied a tripod. It's sturdy and very good.

    Amazing find! I love your photograph very much. It is incredibly beautiful!!!

  11. Awesome camera! Great photo too.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today!

  12. What a beautiful looking camera and what a fantastic shot of it! The orange/red background is perfect. And the area of texture in the background is perfect against the texture of the camera. Love it!
    I like thrift stores too! And throw out weeks (do you have them where you live?). Today i salvaged a great train set for my grandson:) jUst spent ages cleaning it though...

  13. Very good, I like the design, nice colors.

  14. Very cool shot! I don't know much about vintage cameras, but this looks like quite a find!

  15. Fantastic!

    I've been scrolling through your blog & I'm loving all the vivid colors! WoW! =)

  16. excellent composition! I want to tag along with your wife the next time she goes junking!

  17. I like how they look in your picture.
