Monday, September 5, 2011

Walkin' the Dog

Strange day yesterday... had a big downpour at about 10 PM last night (which is really unusual for S. CA this time of year), and then was awakened about 3:30 AM today with lightning and thunder.  The air was so fresh and clean this AM, with big white fluffy clouds.  Decided to take our little 5-month-old chihuahua out for a walk on a trail near the house.  She's not used to a leash, and she gets scared and freezes when she sees other people.  Of course, I also had to take my camera.  So I have the skittish dog with her pink collar and pink leash in one hand and my camera in the other... I got a few strange looks, but mostly smiles and friendly hellos.
Along the way, got some good cloud shots...

Ready for another walk??


  1. Next time you're out walking - cousins will go with you...wonderful cloud pictures!!

  2. You're dog is a cutie! I like the cloud picks too, if I hadn't read what you wrote and know better I'd think they were oil paintings...nice!

  3. Looks like ur dog has her own little windowbox!
